…is a machine of war made more likely due to carbon pollution hanging out on heat created snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the fable that Trump’s going to deploy the National Guard to round up illegals.

This weekend is Jim Thorpe’s Winterfest celebration. ‘Twas near 60º F and sunny today; we had brunch out on the deck! Tomorrow’s forecast is for another near 60º F day. I love
global warmingclimate change!Any denier worth his salt will tell you it stopped warming in 1998, and on top of that, the temperature record was hoaxed anyway by criminal NASA scientists that trumpy will soon fire if not imprison. It was 35F warmer than average here yesterday, how do you figure the scientists faked that?
Folks will be migrating out of the increasingly less habitable south to more friendly climes up north. As nice as it might be in the midwest today, summers in the deep south may become intolerable. Prepare for an influx. Maybe PA needs to build a wall.
You better hope trumpy builds that great wall with shoot to kill orders to keep those illegal browns from migrating out of uninhabitable Mexico to Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Canadians are concerned that ugly Americans will drift north – there’s a lot of open space up there, and it’s more and more midwest-like every year.
Do you know when the IPCC, which is the global body analyzing and distributing findings on global warming? 1988. Do you know what the CC in IPCC stands for? Climate Change. So it was called climate change from the beginning. When do you think then that the global warming cabal renamed it Climate Change to hide the fact that there was no warming in global warming?
Once again proving you really are a mental midget.
Well done, little guy.
More effusive support for der Trumpenfuhrer and his last press conference/rally:
Famed anti-Semite davey duke, praising our fake president:
der Trumpenfuhrer whines that he’s not anti-Semitic – we guess he just plays one for his dummkopf supporters. his enemies are scientists, academics, Blacks, Jews, Muslims, foreigners, liberals, LGBTs – in fact, everyone except caucasian, conservative, christian cocks (C4s) and their supportive female helpmates. If he also demonized gypsies, Poles and had a moustache he’d be just like Hitler.
If you are a favored, privileged C4, trump is your leader. If you’re a true American patriot (not the fake teabagger version), you oppose this fat, orange dictator wannabe.
Hillary, who was fond of orange, lost.
The patriots won!
Speaking of fascist traitors…
from a recovering conservative:
This is just one more way trump (and the entire dishonest right-wing media ecosystem, including liars like Teach) threatens our nation.
The little mental midget guy’s gone full retard.
Losing will do that, I guess.
Really trumpy? What a hypocrite.
Hope the grandson is in a safe place.
Little guy seems excited.
trumpy got here just in time!
Another “patriot” convicted of wrongthink!
He didn’t actually kill any Muslims, he was only trying to arrange it with other like-minded “patriots”.
Speaking of media hypocrisy…
Great local feel-good story… A Bellville mosque held an open house, inviting neighbors and interested folk to visit. Hundreds (TV news) or 100 (newspaper) of non-Muslims showed up offering support in the time of trump.
We suspect that
anti-semitesanti-Muslim right-wingers will see this as a threat.The “Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdel Rahman died in US prison today.

Little guy goes into mourning.
The “fact-based” community attacked Dear Leader again concerning his remarks on the shocking terror attack Friday night in Sweden. The Swedes deny that an attack took place, but we’ve learned the so-called “free press” has been systematically covering up terrorist attacks, because liberals love Muslms more than the love America.
Bowling Green, Atlanta, now Sweden…
We already knew that. Why else would you work so hard to bring them here? What do they bring to America that America needs?