It’s an interesting dichotomy. Leftists always tell us how peaceful they are, how they abhor violence, that the solution is never violence. Then, you turn around, and they are committing violence, such as assault, arson, property destruction. Remember all the rapes and other crimes from Occupy Wall Street? All the riots since Trump was elected? And then there are the threats. Leftists say they are tolerant. In practice? Not so much
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is responding to a threatening flyer circulating around campus.
In a letter to students, faculty, and staff Thursday, Chancellor Carol Folt – along with other UNC officials – said the flyer expresses acts of violence to supporters of President Trump.
They said the university is taking the flyer very seriously.
“The flyer and its message are the antithesis of the values that are the foundation of our University,” the letter read. “It is not designed to spark civil discourse or encourage thoughtful debate. Its intentions are to incite violence, and there is no place for that here or in our society.”
Well, really, that’s today’s Democrats in a nutshell. Those last two sentences perfectly describe Liberals. They do not want to debate, and they love violence against anything and anyone who are Not Approved.
While it is great that the University leadership put out a message, it is rather short. From what we have seen in the past, the messages tend to be very long when they are supportive of leftist causes.
Leftists should remember that right leaning citizens are more likely to be armed than leftists.

When our nation is threatened, liberals fight back. What do you do?
Volunteer, sign-up, join but never, ever serve, little guy.
When our nation is threatened Jeffery, it’s usually the liberals who threaten it. When was the last time there was a conservative riot? When was the last time conservatives were running in the streets smashing windows, looting, setting fires and burning American flags, Jeffery?
We have met the enemy and they are you.
Fake Rev,
Protests are only a threat to the rulers. An autocratic wannabe like trump is a threat to the nation itself. An mentally disturbed autocrat such as trump is a threat to the globe.
Please remember that conservatives, while pretending to favor freedom for all, actually favor privilege for their tribe at the expense of all others. You may personally find a trump rule to favor you as a conservative caucasian christian but others will not be as fortunate. You may not realize this but America also includes non-christians, non-caucasians and non-conservatives. In fact, there are more of the “other” than of your tribe. To a liberal, when you oppress any one minority, you have drifted into unAmerican behavior. This is why trump is considered a threat.
Jeffrey spews more bovine feces:
Really? It wasn’t Donald Trump who pushed for a health care plan which requires people to participate; that was Barack Hussein Obama! It wasn’t the GOP who said that the 0.03% of boys who say they are girls should be able, under the requirements of law, to invade the privacy of real girls; that was the left! It wasn’t the conservatives who said that people who did not believe in same-sex ‘marriages’ must provide services for those immoral ceremonies; that was the Democratic Party!
The left are really great at throwing around words like “fascist” and “Nazi” and “autocrat,” but not so good at applying those words accurately. President Trump isn’t requiring you to do one thing that you weren’t required to do before; just where do you see his autocratic power?
Ahhh, but wait, he does seem to be doing something really radical like enforcing the law! No wonder the left are aghast!
Thanks for making my point. Cons think of only how things effect them directly, period. As a rich white guy I’ll be fine.
Paraphrasing Heinrich McConnell: You were warned, you were given an explanation, yet you persisted.
Listen, we understand far-right all too well. They wish to incite violence, but want the other side to “throw the first punch”, so like the Nazis, they can garner sympathy as victims.
Fake news. Prove it.
Teach typed:
Fake argument. Prove it.
Jeffrey wrote:
We did fight back . . . at the ballot box! We converted 1,030 congressional, gubernatorial and state legislative seats from Democrat to Republican.
What we didn’t do was organize riots, smash store fronts, or just generally go nuts. We had the TEA Party push the staid old GOP into something more responsive to what the public wanted, through replacing some RINOsaurs via the primary and putting the fear of the voters in those who remained.
Who knows, maybe the left can find some respectable and responsible proposals which will help them make serious gains in the 2018 elections, if they actually try. Conservatives translated their anger at the Obama Administration into the serious work of winning elections; the left don’t appear quite so capable of that.
Jeffrey wrote:
So, then, if you are so understanding, why are y’all so stupid as to throw the first punches? Do you really believe that the protests and riots and other outrage your colleagues are demonstrating — pun most definitely intended — are helping to persuade the middle that your side is right?
Good to see that UNC is taking leftist brownshirts veryseriously.
That’ll show ’em.

Pro tip: They lie. Always.
No one ALWAYS tells you anything, all the time. Pacifists may tell you that violence is never the answer. In the face of oppression even those that abhor violence may be forced to fight back.
“When our nation I’d threatened….” How exactly is our nation “threatened” by Trump supporters? Other than leftist snowflakes being triggered by “mean words”.
A return to our racist, anti-semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-education, anti-science past threatens our nation. An ill-tempered, thin-skinned, belligerent, hatemonger president threatens our nation.
trump’s words, as ugly and divisive as they are, are only part of the problem. his actions, e.g., hunting down
Mexicans, blocking
JewishMuslim immigration are despicable. his relationship with The Kremlin is a threat.Extremist GOP policy prescriptions threaten the nation we’ve built. Destroying Medicare, Social Security, the EPA, SCHIP, Medicaid while cutting taxes for the rich and for corporations, while at the same time not dealing with any of our real problems, e.g., income inequality, income redistribution from the working classes to the wealthy, and a crumbling infrastructure all threaten the nation.