Then there’s the whole “protest peaceably” thing (via John Sexton)
(AP) The last people remaining at a Dakota Access pipeline protest camp prayed and set fire to a handful of wooden structures on Wednesday, hours ahead of a deadline set by the Army Corps of Engineers to close the camp.
Some of the praying protesters said burning the structures — which appeared to include a yurt and a teepee — was part of the ceremony of leaving. As heavy rain turned to snow, some said they expected no trouble during the eviction, despite a heavy law enforcement presence.
“People are being very mindful, trying very hard to stay in prayer, to stay positive,” said Nestor Silva, 37, of California. “I am not aware of any plans for belligerence.”
Don’t forget, many leftist places, especially in California, have tried to ban bonfires because they are bad for ‘climate change.’
Once the main camp is cleared of people, the cleanup of trash and debris that’s being coordinated by the tribal, state and federal governments will continue. More than 1,000 tons of waste had been removed by contractors as of early Tuesday, though dozens of semi-permanent structures remained, according to Herr. Dozens of abandoned vehicles also remained, according to George Kuntz, vice president of the North Dakota Towing Association.
Sounds just like every Leftist protest. Tons of garbage, and, hey, look, fossil fueled vehicles. But, hey, it’s OK, because they’re spreading awareness.
Dakota Access pipeline protesters pray, ceremonially burn structures ahead of camp closure
— The Seattle Times (@seattletimes) February 22, 2017
And a wonderful photo from NPR

Ah, how see what they did there. I guess, I’ll be “ceremonially” burning gasoline on my ride home.
Didn’t you know? The environmentalist left believe that they are just too good to have to pick up after themselves; that’s for the working class to do.
When I see that last picture (or those of burning tires) I think, Ah the noble Red man!
Saving the Environment, One Burning Tire at a Time
Mucking forons. They could care less about the environment, or they would have “packed out” everything that they packed in. This is a crime, and they should be made to clean it up, leaving it as pristine as it had been before they descended on it…
Hadn’t you heard? Environmentalism is anti-American. The new paradigm is coal, coal, coal and fracking, fracking, fracking. Just be glad you don’t live near a coal country stream.
This is the new conservative “America”.
As I heard somewhere, Al Gore should return his Nobel prize and give it to the fracking industry.