…is a sky full of carbon pollution clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a female chessmaster who refused to wear a hijab.

…is a sky full of carbon pollution clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a female chessmaster who refused to wear a hijab.
What do conservatives think of Ivanka’s child care tax deduction plan? It will cut taxes about 50 billion a year overall for families who pay for child care.
trumped sent a brave Navy Seal to his death…
Why did trumpy choose not to monitor the operation? WHY did trumpy choose not the monitor the operation? Duh! Why even ask that question. he’s a narcissistic man-child who doesn’t give a shit about anything but his own adoration.
his aides have started showering him positive press clippings to keep him from twittering his stupid and embarrassing tweets…
The unprecedented unpresident.
Are you saying every time our forces encounter an action the President is supposed to be in constant touch? That’s ridiculous. So are you, hypocrite. Benghazi!
Jeffery, the unprincipled un-American.
Since the little guy never encountered any military action, how would he know anything?
2,499 U.S. soldiers had been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq when Obama was in office.
Under Obama, the United States had been at war for 2,687 days. That’s longer than under George W. Bush — or any other U.S. president, for that matter.
Obama had conducted airstrikes on seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria. (That’s three more countries than George W. Bush bombed.)
Is your argument that trumpy wasn’t aware of the planned US operation? That would actually be a reasonable excuse, and believable knowing trumpy’s attention span. Are these operations normally run without the knowledge of the president? Even one as shallow and unfit as trumpy?
Was the Benghazi attack a planned US operation?
Where was obama the night of the Benghazi attack?
All evidence indicates it was planned by the muzzies and the U.S. government knew it as it was happening.
Why they lied about it for several weeks has never really been resolved.
chump says:
DHS head Kelly says:
Wow, so you’re admitting that trumpy is as bad as you imagined President Obama to be.
That is a stunning admission.
Wow! Hot chick wearing black bikini and chaps and you want to talk about Trump. Talk about warmists missing the obvious in these pictures.