The Los Angeles Times takes a shot at providing the answer, and you’ll be shocked
The real goal of Trump’s executive orders: Reduce the number of immigrants in the U.S.
Shocking! Reducing the number of immigrants!
Behind President Trump’s efforts to step up deportations and block travel from seven mostly Muslim countries lies a goal that reaches far beyond any immediate terrorism threat: a desire to reshape American demographics for the long term and keep out people who Trump and senior aides believe will not assimilate.
In pursuit of that goal, Trump in his first weeks in office has launched the most dramatic effort in decades to reduce the country’s foreign-born population and set in motion what could become a generational shift in the ethnic makeup of the U.S.
Trump and top aides have become increasingly public about their underlying pursuit, pointing to Europe as an example of what they believe is a dangerous path that Western nations have taken. Trump believes European governments have foolishly allowed Muslims with extreme views to settle in their countries, sowing seeds for unrest and recruitment by terrorist groups.
Even though the LA Times is projecting, well, guessing, it’s a good guess. Why would we want to allow in people who do not assimilate, and, in actuality, bring their 3rd world extremist beliefs and implement them in our nations, as we have seen again and again in Europe? Muslim nations do not want these extremists: why would we?
Two days after Trump imposed the ban, a senior administration official told reporters at the White House that the order was part of a larger strategy to develop an immigration system that selects immigrants the White House believes will make “positive contributions†to the country.
Sounds like a wise idea.
That change has alarmed right-wing nationalists like Miller and Bannon, who see Trump’s administration as an opportunity to change those migration trends for decades to come.
The two men see the country’s long-term security and wage growth entwined with reducing the number of foreign-born people allowed to visit, immigrate and work in the U.S.
Other nations do exactly the same, such as Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. Why shouldn’t the United States be allowed to control those who come in while picking and choosing those who will make our country better?

That’s just your innate bigotry typing. The US proposes to take in thousands of Muslim refugees (not extremists). Majority Muslim nations have taken in MILLIONS.
Not all Muslims are extremist terrorists any more than all right-wing christianists shoot Indian engineers, shoot Muslims worshiping in mosques or shoot Black Christians in a church.
A stupid comparison by a fool who knows and understands there is nothing in the Christian faith that even suggests a Christian shoot Indian engineers, moslems worshipping or black Christians whereas the cult of Islam demands they kill non moslems. Not all moslems are extremist terrorists and not all Nazi’s worked at Dachau, but they supported it.
The point is not that moslem countries took in any at all, the point is we should take in none, zero, nada, zilch. It’s your innate hatred of America and American working people that somehow makes you think bringing in people with NOTHING in common with our culture is somehow good for America.
Give us five ways bringing in moslems benefits America. Immigration is not a right, it’s a privilege and unless these moslems can assimilate, which their cult forbids, or bring something of value to our culture and nation then keep them out.
Have you taken in an immigrant moslem family yet, Jeffery? Or is this just more of your blatant hypocrisy? You must have eaten a lot of lead paint chips as a kid to hate your homeland the way you do.
Li’l Jeffery, take in a moslem or shut up. Hypocrite.
Kiss my ass AND shut up. Loser.
We do understand your bigotry. Perhaps your wife had an affair with a big-dicked Muslim and you’re bitter. Perhaps you were berating a Muslim child and her father stepped in and let you know that such words could cause someone to get hurt, and his tightening grip around your feminine, old man wrist impressed upon you who that someone would be. We get it. You hate Muslims. Nazis hated Jews. Confederates hated Negroes. Conservatives hate education. Bigots always have excuses to justify their hatreds. Always. You are no different.
Bigotry in a conservative appears almost innate, yet it’s hard to imagine someone being born with your level of hatred. What is innate is the universal fear that consumes conservatives. Fear of the novel, the unknown, the different, the other. Every new idea, person or thing is a threat.
Types the cowardly little fake soldier to a guy who really served his country.
You tell him little guy.
“muslim nations do not want these extremists”
Easy Executive Order – the number of “refugees” allowed into the US will not exceed the number allowed by the most restrictive muslim majority nation’s policy.