Monthly Archives: February 2017

Dhimmitude: NY Times Doesn’t Want The Muslim Brotherhood Designated A Terrorist Organization

Why? They apparently feel that this would be blaming all of Islam or something, and Liberals seem to get very upset when anyone notes that certain portions of Islam are extremists All of Islam Isn’t the Enemy Is President Trump trying to make enemies of the entire Muslim world? That could well happen if he […]

Warmists Argue That Climate Models Understate The Problem, And That Climate Models Suck

On one hand, this is just so typical of members of the Cult of Climastrology: they keep saying that things are worse than they have been saying. Meanwhile, at the same time, they unintentionally tell us they that their whole backbone of “science” has been worthless Scientists argue current climate change models understate the problem […]

If All You See…

…is a world flooded by carbon pollution from Other People, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post explaining why Elizabeth Fauxahontas Warren was smacked down in the Senate.

Will The GOP Use Rule 19 To Push Through Gorsuch To Supreme Court?

Rule 19 is more than just a way to shut down Senators who are being disrespectful to colleagues, as Elizabeth Warren learned Tuesday, as Sean Davis explains. It’s a way to keep debate without invoking the nuclear option. The two speech rule, a way to stop continuous filibusters which can stop Senate business (Federalist) However, […]

Are You Ready For Yet Another Conservative Case For Climate Action?

Here we go again: yet another plan to deal with anthropogenic climate change/global warming/we’re doomed!!!!!!!! from a supposedly Conservative point of view. A plan that proves that some Republicans aren’t Conservative in the least, especially when they go running to the NY Times for validation A Conservative Case for Climate Action CRAZY as it may […]

Majority Of Democrats Feel Other Religions As Violent As Islam

Democrats always look for some sort of equivalence when they attempt to protect the subsection of Islam which is increasingly violent in the name of Islam. Further, they are quick to blame all of Christianity, Judaism, etc, when something happens, while claiming that any attack by someone yelling “Allahu Akbar!” has nothing to do with […]

Protesting Enviroweenies Prove Just How Much They Really Care

Does this really shock and/or surprise you? Sanitation crews work to remove massive amounts of garbage from DAPL protest camp before spring thaw Last week, we showed you all the garbage that was left by Dakota Access Pipeline protesters at the Oceti Sakowin Camp. Now, we’re showing you where all that trash will end up. […]

If All You See…

…is a pond that is shrinking from carbon pollution heat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Bizzy Blog, with a post on a law introduced to protect doctors who don’t want to do abortions. I forgot to mention that that it is Blondes Week. And, remember, all IAYS posts […]

Bummer: Kids TV Shows Are Ignoring ‘Climate Change’

Can’t we just let kids be kids? Is it necessary to indoctrinate them into believing certain political issues? In Liberal World, the answer is no, as Slate tries to out-Salon Salon Kids’ TV Is Ignoring Climate Change Shows like Nature Cat and Sid the Science Kid teach children everything about wildlife and the environment—with one […]

House Committee Moves Forward With Investigation Into NOAA Climate Manipulation

Members of the Cult of Climastrology will complain about the politicization of science, their typical complaint when government investigates what Warmists are doing, forgetting that government, which is funding a goodly chunk of the research, has every right to investigate what they are funding. Warmists also conveniently forget that they have already politicized the issue, […]

Pirate's Cove