…is an evil gas fired stove causing heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on TV shows reaching peak gay.

…is an evil gas fired stove causing heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on TV shows reaching peak gay.
Taxpayers spend millions so poor Melania won’t have to sleep with the hideous troll, trumpelstiltskin but cuts for our military families…
Maybe our ignorant shit-head of a so-called president can tweet about it. Or maybe he give it some thought some weekend when he’s on one of his taxpayer funded vacations.
Your source is a liberal rag.
As Mediabiasfactchceck states: PoliticusUsa is an overtly left wing biased news and opinion website.
This is supported by the final sentences in the linked article:
“Trump should stop compensating for his own inadequacies by buying big guns. A real president would take care of military families before buying himself some shiny new toys of war.:
Hell, that sounds like the lunacy you write here.
Then again, it does explain the lunacy you write here.
Mr. M.,
Do you think they were lying about trump stopping hiring or the impact on military families?
Here’s the same story from military.com:
There’s more to supporting our military men and women than weapons.
Makes it sound like there weren’t hiring freezes and day care wait lines before Trump.
I work in DoD and we have been under a hiring freeze since Obama got elected.
Also… the default position of not having enough Federal government subsidized Day Care is, “take care of your own damned kids”. If the wait time is 16 months, that has likely been going on for a very long time.
Jeffery only cites a portion of the article. Here’s the rest:
The hiring freeze had NOTHING to do with the day care worker crisis.
And when did Trump take office?
This was a problem – a well known problem – before Trump became president. Obama had cut pay raises for the military and civilian personnel making it harder to fill jobs on bases.
Next thing you know, Jeffery will blame Trump for the VA problems.
What the fuck would you know about the military, little guy, other than you didn’t serve after you implied that you did…?
But what I really notice is that her pot isn’t over a burner. The burners are turned off. So, she is just more fake news. I’m so disappointed. I wanted to see a hot chick wearing an unsafe level of clothing while cooking.
There are a lot of recipes that call for taking the pot off the burner and stirring.
That’s all that’s happening here. Of course, the wooden spoon is leading to deforestation of the world, but that’s another issue altogether. ;)
The pot is empty. It was always empty. Just like the entire Obama administration.
Hypocrite trump.
Now we SHOULD raise the debt limit…