But, remember, this is not a cult
Humans Caused 100% of the Past Century’s Global Warming
100 percent of global warming over the past century has been caused by humans. In 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report stated a clear expert consensus that: “It is extremely likely [defined as 95-100% certainty] that more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010 was caused by the anthropogenic [human-caused] increase in greenhouse gas concentrations and other anthropogenic forcings together.â€
Then in 2014, research in the journal Climate Risk Management using rigorous statistical techniques revealed an objective link between global temperature increases and human activity, with a probability exceeding 99.999 percent. In fact, according to a Skeptical Science review of studies on human and natural contributions to global warming:
Seriously, these people think that natural drivers like vulcanism, the big nuclear furnace in the sky, water vapor, the seas releasing methane and CO2, animal life, Pacific oscillations, and so forth, have zero input. Yes, mankind does play a part, but, it is minimal, and not all from greenhouse gases. Land use and the Urban Heat Island effect play a big role.
Regardless, these Warmists are as wacky as the Westboro Baptist Church. The only difference is that some members of the WPC are capable of coming to their senses, and have.
Oh, and if Warmists really believed, you’d think they would modify their own behavior and practice what they preach, wouldn’t you?

What’s this? You’ve finally hypothesized! The contributions from these forcings are measureable and measured! Can you find evidence about how much or how little vulcanism, changes in the Sun, water vapor, methane/CO2 release from oceans etc have caused warming?
Sorry, it’s still the new kids on the block that have to prove their “theory”, not the other way around. And there’s no proof 100% of recent warming was caused by man. If so, I’d like to see the evidence of exactly when natural warming stopped. So alarmists would have to prove it’s not the sun, methane, volcanism, etc. that causes alleged warming.
…and the little guy.