It’s pretty bad when federal authorities are having to spend so much time dealing with people who shouldn’t even be present in the country in the first place
(CNN) Immigration offenses account for half of all federal arrests, according to Justice Department statistics released Thursday, which focus heavily on the role immigration plays in the federal justice system.
The analysis of federal justice statistics from 2013-14 highlights how much of federal law enforcement is dedicated to immigration-related offenses, continuing the Trump administration’s efforts to place an emphasis on the criminal side of illegal immigration.
“These statistics make it clear that immigration-related offenses along the United States border with Mexico account for an enormous portion of the federal government’s law enforcement resources and that we must enforce our immigration laws in a way that consistently deters future violations,” said Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokeswoman.
A few numbers
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics report, half of all federal arrests in 2014 were immigration-related, a total of nearly 82,000.
Sixty-one percent of all federal arrests were in the five districts along the US-Mexico border, along with 55% of suspects investigated and 39% of offenders who were given a federal prison sentence.
Other highlighted statistics included that 32% of defendants facing charges in district courts were from Mexico, along with 5% from Central America, and 42% of defendants were non-US citizens. Non-citizens were also one-quarter of federally sentenced prisoners in 2014.
The report also noted that 17% of immigration offenders who were released in 2012 ended up back in federal prison within three years.
It’s high time to implement measures which would make people think twice before they come to the United States illegally/overstay their visas.

And the real Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the fake president…
Bye bitch…
That’s hardly a victory for justice, Mr Puppies. Her plea bargain strips of her of her American citizenship, but if she had been tried and convicted, she would have spent five-to-seven years in the penitentiary, still been stripped of her citizenship, and deported upon her release.
One can only hope that the Israelis will ‘monitor’ her actions after she arrives in Jordan, and that, perhaps, justice will be served in another fashion.
Agreed, Mr. Dana.
However, as stated in the article, the case has been in limbo since 2014.
Now the bitch has to fend for herself.
Note that these were statistics from 2013-2014, under Barack Hussein Obama, when immigration enforcement was a lower priority. One wonders what the statistics will be for 2017, now that we have a real President, focusing on the better interests of real Americans, in office.
Every single crime committed by an illegal alien against an American citizen represents the lefts value for new democrat voters over the lives of our people. The first thing our government should be doing is not taxing us to provide abortions, is not taking our money to build solar power companies that go bankrupt or spend money to commission “art” like piss Christ, it’s to PROTECT the citizens of this country. The democrats have fought against the safety and interests of the American people since Ted Kennedy did his ridiculous “immigration reform”. Leftists and democrats hate America and hate Americans let’s help President Trump Make America Great Again and get rid of illegals and end this insanity.