It took a little bit of time, but the NY Times Editorial Board, the EB for, as you know, one of the leading newspapers in not just the U.S., but the world, finally came up with a line of attack against President Trump, one which includes a graphic of a very big question mark
President Trump's abrupt change on Syria does not inspire confidence
— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) April 8, 2017
After the Airstrikes on Syria, What’s Next?
It was hard not to feel some sense of emotional satisfaction, and justice done, when American cruise missiles struck an airfield in Syria on Thursday. The country’s president, Bashar al-Assad, needed to understand that there would finally be a cost for his brutality, in this case the use of chemical weapons with sarin, a banned nerve agent, that killed scores of civilians earlier this week in one of the worst atrocities of the Syrian civil war.
Can’t you feel the “but” coming?
But it is also hard not to feel unsettled by the many questions raised by President Trump’s decision. Among them: Was it legal? Was it an impetuous, isolated response unrelated to a larger strategy for resolving the complex dilemma of Syria, a nation tormented not just by civil war but also by the fight against the Islamic State? So far, there is no evidence that Mr. Trump has thought through the implications of using military force or figured out what to do next.
As to the last, have they, you know, asked him? Because there’s no evidence he and his team haven’t thought through the implications. The main one seeming to be to show Syria’s leader Assad that the use of chemical weapons is a Bad Idea and will be met with force. And that force will be used quickly. It has also, reportedly, caused North Korea’s resident nutjob leader to go into hiding.
The NYTEB then seems to complain about Mr. Trump changing his mind on what’s going on in Syria from his previous notions of the civil war in Syria, because changing one’s mind when you see children dead from chemical weapons is wrong or something. But, the Times had to find ways to put a positive in a negative light. And they whine about Trump blocking Syrian refugees from entering the U.S., something many, many Leftist pundits have already stated, because this is part of the agreed upon talking points to Bash Trump.
Strangely, none of the Leftists pushing that meme have offered to host Syrian refugees in their own homes.
So what did the 59 missiles accomplish? Militarily, this was a measured response that severely damaged Syrian aircraft and infrastructure at Al Shayrat airfield. Tactically, it may help persuade Mr. Assad (and other problematic leaders, like those in North Korea) that using weapons of mass destruction will not go unpunished. But Mr. Assad still has his chemical weapons, and the civil war endures.
Really? Where was the NY Times when Team Obama was crowing about having removed most of Syria’s chemical weapons, which turned out to be a big lie? Then the EB jumps into another leftist conspiracy theory being bandied about
Whether by design or not, the American military action has also shifted the focus from the scandal over Russia’s interference in the election on Mr. Trump’s behalf and allegations that the president and his allies may have colluded with Moscow.
The old “question the timing” theory.
But the action lacked authorization from Congress and the United Nations Security Council, raising questions about its legality and spotlighting a rich irony. In 2013, Mr. Trump argued that Mr. Obama must get congressional approval before attacking Syria. Congress, with a long history of ducking its war-making responsibility, refused to give it.
They refused to give it because Team Obama wasn’t really asking, and what little they had was essentially a sticky note of a plan.
In all fairness, the legality and Congressional authority memes were briefly brought up by the NYTEB regarding Obama’s Big Libyan Adventure, as well as wondering what the objectives were, but, not to the complaining and bashing extent they go after Mr. Trump.
All that said, what does President Trump do? What he did was legal, per the War Powers Act. If he decides to do more, then, yes, going to Congress is necessary. Regardless, so many Democrats just can’t say “good job.”
Crossed at Right Wing News.

TEACH tells a lie:
The link describes Gordon Chang, a Daily Beast columnist emailing to Fox News wondering… “Kim Jong-Un loves the public spotlight, and it will be telling if he similarly goes into hidingâ€.
TEACH should maybe, you know, read his citations.
TEACH types more lying bullshit:
As opposed to trumpy’s “plan”? LOL
The Repubs were playing politics. The Repubs always play politics. In 2013 the right whined that President Obama needed Congressional authorization to attack al-Assad, and then denied it. (NB- President Obama DID need Congress, as did trumpy, and many Dems also opposed the 2013 proposal.)
The article is an illuminating insight into the nightmarish world of emotional paranoia and delusions inside a liberal mind. I kinda feel sorry for the guy whose brain must look somewhat like an animated Hieronymous Bosch painting. If only Dr. Barack Feelgood was still around to shower him with empty platitudes and long, soothing words to make his bad feelings go away.
Tell me about it John Glanton. I have a hard enough time interpreting
Jeffery’sFakeAmerican’s gibberish into understandable language without having to delve into the leftozoid brains of others.What exactly is FakeAmerican trying to say in comment #2 above? Is he for Trump trying to stop Assad using gas or is he for doing nothing and allowing Assad to use gas? The “I hate Trump gibberish” is so great I can’t figure out if he wants Trump to try and stop the slaughter or not.
Maybe he wants Trump to stop the slaughter but give credit to Hussein Obama, KKKillary and Susan “It’s a video, I swear” Rice.
As for me, let them have at each other. Call me when they’re all dead. That would be like watching a nuclear exchange between China and North Korea. I’d root for both sides to wipe each other out.
We understand you are willfully ignorant (at least we hope it is willful, although sometimes your stupid comments make us think you are just ignorant). Anyway, the point is that TEACH told a lie. trumpy SHOULD have obtained Congressional approval as President Obama tried to do. Mr. Obama was rebuffed by the scorched Earth political savages, the Republicans. Should President Obama have Tomahawked an airfield, contrary to US law?
trumpy’s Tomahawks will engorge his supporters but will have no salutary effect on Syria’s troubles.
Your religious hatred of all things Muslim obviates any need of understanding on your part. Kill ’em all and let Allah (god) sort them out!
I don’t know why you’re jumping all over me FakeAmerican, I’m agreeing with you. Trump should have gotten Congressional approval first. Problem is, I don’t think that’s really necessary any more with the War Powers Act and all. But it still would be nice.
So am I to assume you are FOR bombing the shit out of these moslem pigs if the Congress agrees? You realize all the top Democrat dogs like Schumer et al are behind Trump on this? So the Dems are FOR killing the muzzies?
Finally it’s not just Americans you FakeAmericans want dead. But I do agree that it was just fine watching them kill each other. But I look at it as an economic move to burn up a few Tomahawk missiles and keep the weapons industry crankin’. American jobs, you know.
So Trump got Gorsuch confirmed and killed several dozen muzzies this week. I love being on the RIGHT side of history.
Oh, here’s a grateful moslem who wants to thank us:
Trump DID NOT need congressional approval. And neither did Obama when he wanted to but he decided to go crawling to congress knowing it would be denied and he would then be able to point at the Republican’s and say “it’s their fault”.
It is finally nice to see a Commander In Chief that doesn’t broadcast our plans to the enemy months in advance (Bush) or petition the UN for a strongly worded letter or draw line after line and never make good on those promised consequences (Obama).
The War Powers Act requires that for the President to initiate military action, certain conditions must be met. It can be any one of the conditions, but the President, has meet certain conditions. They are:
A Congressional declaration of war. (That was not present. This allows the President to act without asking for a declaration of war.)
Statutory Authorization: This would be “if Country X does action Y, we will attack.” (That was not present either.)
A attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces: That didn’t happen either.
Trump wasn’t the first president to not get Congressional approval, and sadly may not be the last. That doesn’t mean that the excuse of “they did it too” should be allowed or accepted by Americans.
trump notified the Russians, who notified the Syrians, before the missile strike occurred, giving them time to move personnel and materiel.
This PR stunt was for domestic consumption.
If one can believe this administration, this missile attack resulted in 6 deaths, presumably Muslims, according to you. That’s $15 million per death. Your plan to kill all 1.6 billion Muslims will cost 1.5 x 10e7 X 1.6 X 10e9 or 2.4 x 10e16 dollars. We think that comes out to several quadrillion dollars, so you probably need a more efficient method to satisfy your wet dream. Do do you recommend nuclear strikes on Baghdad, Riyadh, Islamabad, Damascus, Dearborn, Kabul, Beirut, Mecca, Jakarta etc? That should put those Muslims “on notice”.
We understand that Democrats and liberals in general support the US protecting itself from attacks, including from majority Muslin nations.
We are NOT surprised to discover that you support the extermination of children based on their parents’ religion.
Just so you know, we think the world will be a much better place with your eminent passing. No one will be happier than the undocumented Mexicans who dig your grave unless it’s your long-suffering wife.
Exactly where did I say that?
Wow! you really are one sick, filthy, nasty, leftist aren’t you? Wanting my DEATH because I disagree with your politics. It always goes that way you fascist fuck. You leftist FakeAmerican and there’s your proof!
You should be happy this is not my blog. I would demand a retraction and an apology and I would ban you until I got it. Wishing the DEATH of another commenter is way, way past reasonable discourse you filthy animal.
You leftists always end up going for the murder of your opponants don’t you? You little Nazi.
#FakeAmerican calling for the death of other Americans is not cool.
FakeAmerican calls for my death.
He has run out of ideas and knows he is on the wrong side of morality and decency. You are devoid of conscience and have no moral compass. You love our enemies and wish for the death of a fellow American war veteran, wounded twice in service to our country because you can’t handle the truth. You are a traitor to our country and a danger to other patriotic Americans.
We were not calling for your death, but only making the observation that America and the globe would be a much nicer place once you passed. Was it your time in Vietnam that made you so cruel and hateful to your fellow world citizens? What kind of man would wish death on children just because of their parents’ religion? That seems to be the same kind of hatred that drives the vile Islamists, it just seems they have the evil ignorant bluster to carry out their own hatred directly. You prefer to have others do your cowardly dirty work. You want trump to kill Muslim children for you.
Since you think I’m a traitor, how should I be punished? Why don’t you turn me in? You have all my traitorous acts in black and white.
By all means, lobby TEACH to ban me.
Again, please cite where I “wished death on children”. You keep repeating a lie.
You’re stating a difference with no distinction. You are essentially wishing me dead and calling me vile names.
So now I’m a coward too? Where have I asked for anyone to do my “cowardly dirty work”? Where did I say I wanted Trump, or anyone else to kill moslem children? For a guy who supports the murder of hundreds of thousands tiny innocent American children every year you sure toss a lot of bull shit around. In case you missed it Trump was retaliating for the killing (gassing) of children by your beloved moslems.
My time in Vietnam showed me how to tell a friend from a foe, something you could us a lesson in. Moslems are in jihad with America, Western Civilization and all of us. If you took the time to educate yourself about moslems you would understand they mean us all death. That’s an enemy, not a “fellow world citizen”. Just as I killed communists in Vietnam who were trying to subjugate a country of warm, loving, kind people who meant harm to no one, we need to break the moslem will to kill. All through history every place the mohamidan put his foot he laid waste to the people and the land and the culture.
Mr. TEACH is too quality a man to ban you. Besides, it’s more fun to watch you broadcast your hate, ignorance and stupidity for all to see.
#FakeAmerica. Traitor.
Every time you respond to little guy ask him why he lied about joining the army.
Do you really think the only people killed in Syria are adults? You DO support them “killing each other”, and some of the “other” being killed are innocent children – some 55,000 so far. Remember the photo of the little child dead on the beach? We could do something about those occurrences, but sending cruise missiles to an empty airfield will do little to change the trajectory of life for these children still trapped there (except kill a few “muzzies” to satisfy your bloodlust and help trump’s poll numbers). You hateful christies are all alike – cowardly. (You don’t mind if we call you a “christie” do you?) If Muslims are so dangerous, be a man for once and do something about it, other than just vote for a loon like trump. Tax hard-working Americans and drop bombs on Muslims.
I bet you claim that abortion is murder, yet you do nothing but whine about it, and vote for cons to carry out your wishes.
There was a shooting today in a San Bernadino grade school, but the copy described it as mostly Hispanic and low income. Don’t you figure some of the parents of students there are undocumented? Do you wish those children dead too?
So, little guy, why DID you lie about joining the army back in 1971 during the Vietnam War?
Were you trying to impress someone about how tough you were?
Loose Anus,
Didn’t we embarrass you thoroughly over that the last time? Your inability to read is not our problem.
Uh no, little guy, you never answered the question about why you lied abut joining the army.
Why should I be embarrassed because you lied?
It’s a simple question:
Did you or did you not join the Army in 1971?
You said you volunteered…