I’m choosing to ignore the Internet Rules, I believe it is Rule 1004.6, that states “Or Something may only be used once per calendar day” or something for this one
While America Launches Missiles, China Quietly Leads On Climate Change
Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday for his first face-to-face meeting with President Trump, including a two-day summit and formal dinner. By the end of the trip, the two are set to discuss the North Korean threat and trade, before the Trump team retreated to launch Tomahawk missiles at Syrian airfields. Climate change isn’t on the agenda, which is unfortunate—if not surprising—because the two nations are now taking precisely opposite approaches to the global crisis.
Joe Flintosh (@jflintosh) asked if they were kidding. Sometimes, I have to wonder if this kind of bat guano insanity is really just Expert Level Trolling, because one would think this was too insane.