Obviously, this is all prognostication
(Business Insider) The climate is changing. Most people know that it’s changing, and a sizeable majority even say they worry about those changes.
But at the same time, just 40% of Americans think it’s going to harm them personally. And just 33% of Americans say they talk about climate change “even occasionally.”
In other words, most people do not care despite decades of spreading awareness and fear-mongering. And most do not think it’s a problem. They aren’t really concerned if the average global temperature rises a few tenths of a degree, regardless of causation.
Well, obviously, it’s time for more scary fables. And, since you people aren’t concerned about it a global level
But climate change is going to impact every corner of the Earth in some way or another.
That’s why the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s slick new online Climate Explorer is so fascinating.
The updated system lets you zip across the 48 contiguous states (and Washington DC), and see for yourself how the local climate in any given neighborhood is likely to change between 2010 and 2100. The Climate Explorer also includes data on how the climate has behaved between 1950 and 2010; scroll forward in time, and you’re seeing data pulled from international climate models.
It allows you to see your future doom based on if things continue as it is (which is Interesting, considering 95%of the models have failed), as well as if you get taxed and fee’d up the ying yang while also giving up lots of freedom and liberty to Centralized Government.

still trying to scare us with wild predictions of doom 100 years from now when they STILL cannot get next weeks weather forecast right more than 50% of the time
“Online climate explorer..” In other words, astrology.
It’s not prognostication that the Earth is warming and changing the world we live in.
is a falsehood.