Here in Raleigh, there’s a section of Green Road, between Calvary and New Hope, where the police love to sit and give out speeding tickets. Coming south on Green, it goes from 45 to 35, and, if you drive this part of Green Rd often, you’re trained like Pavlov’s dog. You know “don’t speed.” Years back, I went down that road almost every day, so, I find that I’m rather terrorized by this attempt by the Raleigh PD to get me to comply with the written law
Illegal Immigrant Activist: Texas Sanctuary Crackdown is ‘Terror’
Dozens of protestors in favor of illegal immigration planted themselves in the lobby of the State Insurance Building Monday in Austin, Texas, to decry Gov. Greg Abbott’s imminent signing of a bill cracking down on sanctuary cities.
The assembled ctivists insisted they wouldn’t leave the premises unless the Republican governor decided to veto Senate Bill 4 (Abbott is one of the bill’s leading proponents). The bill, which passed the Texas House last week, would require state and municipal officials to fully comply with federal immigration laws and agencies or face a Class A misdemeanor. The bill also allows police officers to inquire into a suspect’s immigration status if they are detained or arrested.
“I do not expect that Governor Abbott will do the right thing and veto this bill,†said Austin City Council Member Greg Casar, an attendee of the sit-in, according to a press release from the Austin-based immigrant activist group Grassroots Leadership. “[But] we will only defeat this dangerous and discriminatory law if we fight it every step of the way — in the courts, in our halls of government, and by organizing our communities.â€
It will be signed, and Greg Casar should be booted from office for advocating that people break American laws.
According to the logic of Rev. Jim Rigby from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, “This is not about the law … This is about sending terror across the community,†the Austin American-Statesman reported.
Can you guess how this can be solved? That’s right, illegals should leave, and, then, if they really love the U.S., they can apply for legal status. Shocking how going through legal channels works, right?
As the dozens of protesters gathered, they broke out into chants of, “SB-4 is hate! SB-4 is hate!†Others chanted, “Ain’t no power like the power of people because the power of people don’t stop,†as Department of Public Safety Texas State Troopers surrounded them, My San Antonio reported.
Following the law is hate. You should try that if you ever get pulled over for speeding.
“There are some officials in the state of Texas, as well as across the United States, who simply do not want to apply the rule of law in their jurisdiction, who want to promote lawlessness. And it’s inexcusable,†Abbott said Sunday on Fox News. “And one tool that we now have is the ability to remove these officials from office by subjecting them to criminal penalty by forcing them into the jail that they are letting people out of.â€
And do not make the mistake of thinking Governor Abbott won’t follow through on that threat.
Do you know what doesn’t help the cause of those who are unlawfully present in the United States? Getting out in the streets and demanding legalization (and welfare, healthcare, housing, education, money, etc). Demanding that the government stop enforcing the law when it comes to illegals.