It’s good hearing about the doooooooom from anthropogenic climate from a guy with multiple non-carbon friendly homes and travels around the world on fossil fueled private jets
(Hollywood Reporter) The former vice president spoke before an advance screening of his latest documentary, ‘An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.’
“Every night on the news is like a nature hike through the Book of Revelation,” Al Gore said Saturday night when asked his opinion of how the news media reports on climate change. “And I’ll wait for the newscasters to connect the dots,” he continued, adding that they rarely do.
Gore spoke about the state of the news media and its effect on the conversation surrounding global climate change at a Q&A before an advance screening of his his latest documentary, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, held at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles.
In other words, “let me scare the snot out of people in order to make some money off my movie. Now I’m going to go back to my giant carbon footprint lifestyle made possible by scaring idiots like you.”

There are going to be very few 20 somethings that even know who he is, unless it’s just a “prominent climate change position”. Not sure he realizes he’s a has-been.
Ag Gore on the Book of Revelation? Remember, he’s the guy who flunked out of Divinity School at Vanderbilt!