It’s the height of irresponsibility for the Washington Post, but, then, rather than being a news organization, they’ve finalized their switch to being part of The Resistance. They would never have allowed an op-ed stating that Barack Obama should be impeached (I intentionally picked an over-the-top article), and typically shot down those few people who overtly called for Obama’s impeachment. But, now, they have a moonbat Resistance movement to pander to, as written by Laurence H. Tribe, a Carl M. Loeb University Professor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School.
Trump must be impeached. Here’s why.
The time has come for Congress to launch an impeachment investigation of President Trump for obstruction of justice.
The remedy of impeachment was designed to create a last-resort mechanism for preserving our constitutional system. It operates by removing executive-branch officials who have so abused power through what the framers called “high crimes and misdemeanors†that they cannot be trusted to continue in office.
Now the country is faced with a president whose conduct strongly suggests that he poses a danger to our system of government.
Except, most citizens couldn’t care less about the firing of James Comey, which, by the way, was completely legal. It’s only in Liberal World that anyone cares, and it’s strictly on a “let’s make anything up because Trump won the election and we’re off our meds” rationale. None of them care when Obama and his administration were thwarting justice.
There’s actually nothing in this unhinged screed by a supposed Constitutional scholar that fits Article II section 4 “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” There are no high Crimes nor Misdemeanors. No treason. No bribery. The GOP controls the House, which is where impeachment originates. The Senate adjudicates impeachment. Controlled by the GOP. So, it’s not happening. So, what is this really all about?
But whether it is devotion to principle or hunger for political survival that puts the prospect of impeachment and removal on the table, the crucial thing is that the prospect now be taken seriously, that the machinery of removal be reactivated, and that the need to use it become the focus of political discourse going into 2018.
That’s right, it’s strictly about politics, as a way to whip people up in order to attempt to regain the House and Senate in 2018. There may be some Democrats who are serious, such as Nutty Maxine Waters, but, most of this impeachment schtick is simply a cynical, and dangerous, ploy to win an election. They might find that the more they ramp up the crazy, the more people back away from the crazy, and support Trump and the Republicans. It could very well backfire.
Seriously, even Erik Erickson, who was an original member of the Never Trump movement, and hasn’t really changed his attitude since, says this impeachment stuff is a fantasy.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

In a nutshell,

trump is a deposition away from committing a crime. He can’t help but lie.
The Republicans impeached President Clinton for getting blowjobs from an intern. trump fired the investigator investigating his campaign’s potential coordination with Russia to influence a national election.
But trump is safe until the Democratic House takeover in 2018. Ironically, the only way for the GOP to avert a 2018 tsunami is to resist and impeach trump.
Keep flinging the poo, little monkey guy, the fate of America is in your little hands.

Impeachment and assassination are the only checks on a chief executive who ignores the norms and practices of the presidency. Both are political, not legal remedies. trump routinely ignores the will of the people and attacks both the free press and courts as well as his own FBI and intelligence agencies. trump was perspicacious when he said the law has no remedy for a president such as he, one who has multiple conflicts of interest and who is enriching his family at the taxpayers’ and economy’s expense. Americans just always assumed that public pressure would stop a president from behaving in such a manner. To that, trump says, “Fuck you!”.
That said, neither the GOP House nor the GOP Senate have the stomach (or even the inclination) to seriously investigate the president, and trump will stack the DOJ/FBI so that he will be “investigating” his own campaign.
“Trump attacks the free press, the courts, and his own FBI..”. Yes, J, that’s called freedom of speech-the President has the right to criticize any of those institutions. Please inform us on why those are supposedly bad things to you. We could turn that around and say “the press attacks a freely elected president”. See how stupid that is?
The distinction is the difference between “criticize” and “attack”. trump is trying to delegitimize the free press and the courts, two bodies that serve to check the excesses of a president. When he is successful in gutting the press and the courts, there will be no stopping him, since Congressional GOPers will give him free reign!
J-call me back when you evidence of anything remotely close to being anti-first amendment. I must have missed the “de-legitimize” exception to the first amendment.
Let me get this straight-it’s ok to try and de-legitimize the president but not the press? Ok
trump’s actions don’t have to be unConstitutional to be wrong.
The president of these Unites States, even one as incompetent as trump, yields incredible power.