The amount of hyperventimoonbating emanating from Warmists, most of whom do not seem to realize that all the rules, regs, taxes, fees, etc will harm themselves (unless they’re in the Rich class), has been amusing all day long, and will continue to be amusing for days, if not weeks. I recommend that Mr. Trump make the announcement on Friday, just to ruin the weekends of Warmists. Here’s hilarity from ABC News in Tampa Bay, a good example of how the news media has abandoned all pretense of impartiality
With US pulling out of climate change pact, rising sea levels a serious concern in Pinellas County
A senior White House official tells ABC News that President Donald Trump is poised to drop out of the Paris Climate Accord.
The non-binding international agreement was designed to help slow global climate change. It went into effect last year and calls for countries to set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reports ABC News.
The news from the White House has many in the Tampa Bay Area more concerned than ever about sea levels.
One of the environmental impacts of a rising global temperature is the melting of the polar ice caps, which is causing water levels to rise globally, according to the global scientific community, including local scientists.
Got that? A non-binding pact that has voluntary goals. How’d the binding Kyoto Protocol, which the US said “no” on, work out? Less than half of the signatory nations hit their targets, which were a modest 5% reduction. The US did it without even signing on or implementing draconian rules, regs, and taxes/fees.
But, this is all the worst type of doomsaying. The Florida Gulf coast has seen no acceleration of sea rise, just a low level rise one would expect for a minor warm period. Less than 1 foot per 100 years. Perhaps ABC Tampa should look at real world data before fearmongering. Meh. None of them do. Data is irrelevant on their march to Progressivism (nice fascism).

Arctic and Antarctic sea ice reach record lows…
Sea Ice Extent Sinks to Record Lows at Both Poles
It is not clear whether the rapid decline in Antarctic sea ice is just a temporary downward blip or the start of more steady decline.
TEACH links to the infamous Tony Watts essay blaming the Great Recession on reduced CO2 emissions. LOL.
But yes, the Earth will survive Covfefe (i.e., the Shit Show that is donnie trump). The Earth will survive this bout of man-made global warming, although it will alter human societies.