Monthly Archives: May 2017

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle causing the world to boil (in the future), you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the epidemic of perpetual victimhood.

Oceans Are On The Edge Maybe Might Possibly Of Being Oxygen Starved Or Something

Today’s story of doom Oceans on edge of being oxygen STARVED due to climate change, researchers fear THE world’s ocean are at the tipping pint of being starved of oxygen leading to mass sea life extinction which could last a million years, researchers fear. University of Exeter scientist say the modern ocean is “on the […]

Maxine Waters Latest To Admit There’s No Evidence Of Collusion

This won’t stop Crazy Maxine from pushing her conspiracy theories and demanding impeachment. I think there’s a bylaw in the Democratic Party membership rules that requires at least one screwball being extremely vocal among its elected officials (via Twitchy) Reporter to Maxine Waters: Any evidence there was collusion between Trump and Russia Waters: No #TheresNoThereThere […]

ICE Arrests Over 1,000 Gang Members In Nationwide Sweep

Most would say this is pretty darned good news (NBC News) Immigration and Customs and Enforcement agents have recently arrested over 1,300 people in a large gang-enforcement operation across the United States, officials said Thursday. Twenty-one of the 1,378 people arrested were taken into custody on murder related charges, seven were arrested on rape or […]

Leader Of (Not) Sinking Island Calls Out Trump On Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

Well, it’s a darned good thing they aren’t building a new airport to go with the 2 other airports in tiny Tuvalu in order to stimulate fossil fueled tourism, ya know Leader of a Sinking Island Admonishes Trump on Climate Change The Tuvalu prime minister roasted the US president for his obsession with coal. The […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful forest that is super awesome and full of bugs and stuff that should be kept far away, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on gun sales dropping.

LA County Schools Initiate Policy To Block Immigration Enforcement

I’m just not getting this whole talking point about schools being overly political (via Jazz Shaw) L.A. Unified reasserts its commitment to protect immigrant families The Los Angeles school board on Tuesday unanimously approved a set of policies that board members said would provide families with a higher level of protection from federal immigration raids. […]

Trump Sends A Whopping Seven People To U.N. Climate Meeting

This has given Chris Mooney, the Washington Post’s resident uber-Warmist, a big sad, as repeated in the Chicago Tribune Trump administration’s delegation to UN climate meeting totals 7; France sends 42 The United States government has sent just seven registered participants to a key United Nations meeting on the Paris climate agreement — a smaller […]

Bummer: Woman Who Was Face Of Illegal Immigration Has DACA Status Stripped

She was a cause celebre sparking a national conversation or something Woman who was face of illegal immigration in metro Atlanta has DACA status revoked Immigration and Customs enforcement officials said a former Kennesaw State student who was formerly protected as a dreamer had her protection revoked because she deceived law enforcement. Jessica Colotl, a […]

Student Suspended For Liking A Picture Of A Gun

And the gun wasn’t even real (NY Post)  A middle school student in Ohio found himself in the crosshairs after “liking” a photo of a gun on social media, complete with the caption “ready.” Zachary Bowlin, a seventh-grader at Edgewood Middle School in Trenton, received a 10-day suspension after liking the Instagram photo of an […]

Pirate's Cove