Monthly Archives: May 2017

Senate Republicans Promise Big Changes To Ocare “Repeal” Bill

Repeal is in quotes because the House bill, the AHCA, does not, in fact, repeal Obamacare, otherwise known as the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act. And, it has its own big problems (The Hill) Senate Republicans plan to dramatically overhaul the House ObamaCare replacement bill that passed Thursday and are warning the process could […]

Washington Post: OMG, Trump Has Brought Down Border Crossings With Fear!

Wouldn’t you think that reducing the flow of people entering the United States un-lawfully would be a good thing? Not in the world of the Washington Post Editorial Board Trump has brought down border crossings — by scaring people away BY NOW it is clear that no big new stretch of physical wall will rise […]

If All You See…

…is a carbon pollution front, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is NoTricksZone, with a post noting the absence of warming in the Southern Hemisphere. Happy Cinco de Mayo, possibly one of the dumbest names for a holiday. Seriously, “May 5th”? How much tequila was involved?

Here We Go Again: Warmists Push Eating Insects To Tackle ‘Climate Change’

On one side, Warmists want Other People to eat less meat. Or even stop eating meat altogether. On the other side, they want Everyone Else to eat insects to replace the meat. And they keep trotting out these same memes, even though few of the people who push them do the same GLOBAL WARMING: Eating […]

Surprise: Yet Another Hate Crime Blamed On Trump Turns Out To Be A Hoax

Surprised Monkey is surprised! (Daily Caller) A church organist was arrested Wednesday after he vandalized his own church with a swastika and pro-Trump graffiti in order to “mobilize a movement.” George Nathaniel Stang, 26, admitted in a handwritten statement to spray painting a swastika, “fag church,” and “heil Trump” on St. David’s Episcopal Church in […]

GOP Controlled House Barely Passes Bill That Doesn’t Really Repeal Obamacare

“Give us control of the White House and Congress, and we’ll repeal and replace Obamacare” we were told since 2010. Well, Republicans have it, and yet House Republicans claim a major victory with passage of health-care overhaul House Republicans on Thursday narrowly passed a controversial bill to overhaul the nation’s health-care system, claiming a major […]

From What I Hear, Illegals Bring In Lots Of Revenue Or Something

Or kill people and drive their cars after dumping their bodies (WRAL) The man charged with the murder of a friend found dead on the Raleigh greenway drove the victim’s car on the day his body was found, according to a warrant in the case. Jose Humberto Lara-Pineda, 18, is being held without bond at […]

If All You See…

…is an ocean that is turning to acid due to Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Zilla Of The Resistance, with a post on what to do when Moonbat protesters block your car.

LA Times: The Pause Was Real, And Totally Confirms Human Caused Hotcoldwetdry

We know that there are well over 70 excuses for the Pause, a period where the warming was, depending on the source used, either net zero during that time or statistically insignificant. It really got to the point where no one was bothering to keep track, especially when so many were just the same excuses […]

What’s The Cost Of Illegal Immigration In The People’s Republik Of California?

California’s Democratic Party lawmakers continue their push to make the entire state a sanctuary jurisdiction, with a claim that illegals help their economy (Sacramento Bee) As California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León and other Democratic lawmakers gain national attention for the effort to make California the first state to declare it self a […]

Pirate's Cove