Monthly Archives: May 2017

Fake News: Woman Convicted Of Laughing During Sessions Confirmation Hearings Or Something

This is one of those big, big, big “or something’s”. Take a look at some headlines Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions During Senate Hearing Woman faces a year in prison after laughing at Jeff Sessions Jury convicts Virginia woman who was removed for laughing during Jeff Sessions confirmation hearing Activist Faces Jail […]

FBI Director Comey: Why, Yes, Huma Did Forward Classified Documents To Anthony Weiner

Yeah, so, this happened during Comey’s Congressional visit (CNN) FBI Director James Comey revealed Wednesday that Hillary Clinton emails containing classified information were “somehow” being forwarded to former congressman Anthony Weiner by his wife and top Clinton aide, Huma Abedin. Comey provided new details to Congress about how Clinton’s emails ended up on Weiner’s computer […]

If All You See…

…is a sea rising from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is America’s Watchtower, with a post on who would be proud of the budget deal.

Has The Momentum Turned Against The Paris Climate Agreement In White House?

Real, or just hazy, nebulous tea leave reading by Juliet Eilperin at the Washington Post? In the Trump White House, the momentum has turned against the Paris climate agreement Foes of the United States remaining in the Paris climate agreement have gained the upper hand in the ongoing White House debate over whether to pull […]

Baltimore Sun: What’s Up With Illegal Aliens Being Treated Differently Than Those Legally Present?

On the bright side, illegal aliens are mostly not responsible for the massive spike in crimes, shootings, stabbings, and murders in Charm City. What with all that crime, one can understand that the police would have illegals as lower rungs on the ladder. But, they still go after people who violate traffic laws, do they […]

NY Times, Washington Post Are Thrilled That Trump Mentioned Raising Gas Tax

Polls on raising the gas tax are particularly negative, even among Democrats, but, when asked, Trump said “It’s something that I would certainly consider”. It didn’t mean he was serious: he and people in his administration typically say that or something similar when they are not prepared to really answer a question. But, this has […]

Excitable Paul Krugman Really Wants To Spend Lots Of Your Money On Hotcoldwetdry

Hes’ super thrilled to spend billions upon billions, even though he has no idea what the money would accomplish (via Twitchy) So, a few thoughts on uncertainty and climate policy. You might not know this from some discussion, but this has been a major research topic — Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) May 2, 2017 Gird your […]

If All You See…

…is a world turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on feminists saying that breast feeding babies is not natural.

California Considers “Ambitious” New Cap And Trade System

Because the last one worked so well, let’s try again California Proposes Ambitious New Cap-and-Trade Program This week, a California state senator will introduce legislation that would replace the state’s troubled cap-and-trade program, and eventually establish one of the highest prices for carbon dioxide in the world. Around 90 percent of the revenue from the […]

Texas Sanctuary Jurisdiction Crackdown Is Like Terror Or Something

Here in Raleigh, there’s a section of Green Road, between Calvary and New Hope, where the police love to sit and give out speeding tickets. Coming south on Green, it goes from 45 to 35, and, if you drive this part of Green Rd often, you’re trained like Pavlov’s dog. You know “don’t speed.” Years […]

Pirate's Cove