Who would have thought that Liberals could manage to ratchet up the derangement well beyond what we witnessed during the George W. Bush years
Biology Professor: Trauma Of Trump Presidency Will Mutate Human Genome For All Eternity
A taxpayer-funded professor at the University of Washington is now predicting that Donald Trump’s presidency will create trauma on such a massive scale that it will permanently change the human genome.
The professor, Peter Ward, offered his dire prediction at Gizmodo on Monday as one of seven evolutionary biologists answering the burning question: “Can Superhuman Mutants Be Living Among Us?†(snip)
“We’re finding more and more that, for instance, people who have gone through combat, or women who have been abused — when you have these horrendous episodes in life, it causes permanent change, which is then passed on to your kids,†Ward writes. “These are actual genetic shifts that are taking place within people.â€
These individual genetic changes add up to trigger “huge evolutionary change.â€
“On a larger scale, the amount of stress that Americans are going through now, because of Trump — there is going to be an evolutionary consequence,†Ward explains.
This is so nutty it doesn’t even deserve a facepalm.

Professor Lysenko is alive & well it seems.
Ever heard of epigenetic inheritance? This is not to say that the trauma of a trump presidency will be passed down through generations, but the idea is not as silly as you imagine.