I always get a kick out of people telling me that the anthropogenic climate change folks aren’t about increasingly big and more dominating government
Watts Up With That? links to this article at The Conversation, which wonders Why is climate change such a hard sell in the US?. Professor of Philosophy Firmin DeBrabander, Maryland Institute College of Art, tells us
I suspect that because of all these hurdles, climate change is not liable to be solved by democracies. Autocracies might do better – like China, for example. Given the severity of its current air pollution – a veritable “airpocalypse†– China’s government does not need to be prodded or persuaded to act; the necessity is obvious, and urgent. And China has the ability to take dramatic measures on climate change and act quickly – just what scientists are calling for – dragging the people with them. This is, after all, the nation that lifted half a billion people into the middle class in a single generation.
It’s a real shame that Warmists are having a tough time instituting their prized Progressivism (nice Fascism), eh?

It takes an “intellectual” to confuse air pollution with “climate change” without even blinking.
Conservatives want more freedom.
Leftists want better Tyrants.
I wouldn’t go that far, but they do seem to admire totalitarian systems when their policies are opposed…
Lysenkoism is alive and well – and living with Pelosi/Clinton/Sanders acolytes in place of their actual brains.
Kids, ask you grandparents who Lysenko was….