There is obviously quite a lot of wishful think, miss-reactions, people ignoring what James Comey said, moving the goalposts quite a bit, and just plain moonbattery regarding Comey’s testimony from people who are simply unable to come to grips with Donald Trump as president, much like 4 year olds will throw tantrums over just about anything. But, looks like Chris Matthews is kinda done (video at the link)
(Washington Examiner) Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews said Thursday the accusation that President Trump directly colluded with Russia to interfere in the U.S. election “came apart” following former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony in front of Congress.
In his written and spoken testimony on Thursday, Comey said that he never felt that Trump had tried to impede the FBI’s investigation into Russia, even that the president had encouraged it and he suggested that former national security adviser Mike Flynn wasn’t at the heart of the investigation.
“The assumption of the critics of the president, of his pursuers, you might say, is that somewhere along the line in the last year is the president had something to do with colluding with the Russians … to affect the election in some way,” Matthews said on MSNBC, following the testimony.
“And yet what came apart this morning was that theory,” Matthews said, listing two reasons why. First, he said Comey revealed that “Flynn wasn’t central to the Russian investigation,” and secondly, he said that kills the idea that Flynn might have been in a position to testify against Trump.
“And if that’s not the case, where’s the there-there?” Matthews said.
No worries, Chris, your folks will continue to manufacture outrage and conspiracy theories, because that’s all they have. And they have been, if you take a perusal of media articles and opinion pieces. But, as Alan Dershowitz points out, there’s “no there there.” No laws have been broken. No collusion, no obstruction of justice. Greg Jarrett states that Comey’s testimony exonerates Trump on the obstruction point.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

The only collusion, according to Comey, was between Loretta Lynch and the Hillary campaign!
The left are stuck! They don’t have the White House, they don’t have the Senate, they don’t have the House, they don’t have the majority of gubernatorial seats, they don’t have the majority of state legislative seats or chambers. All that they have right now is the lead in combitchiness, and, damn your eyes, they’re going to play that for all it’s worth.
They know that they can’t remove President Trump — even if they win every Senate race in 2018, they wouldn’t have enough enough votes to remove him from office in an impeachment trial — so all that they have, right now, is continued whining in an attempt to frustrate Mr Trump’s agenda.
CNN is the worst, right now, having gone all-anti-Trump, all-the-time.