Monthly Archives: June 2017

Whiny People Seek Reprieve Over Trump Blocking Them On Twitter

This might be one the most First World Problems ever Twitter Users Blocked by Trump Seek Reprieve, Citing First Amendment Lawyers for Twitter users blocked by President Trump after they criticized or mocked him are asking him to reverse the moves, arguing that the Constitution bars him from blocking people on the social media service. […]

Joe Scarborough Melts Down In Interview With EPA Head Scott Pruitt

I’d actually been watching Morning Joe for a while now, as I may have mentioned. I got a little tired of the Trump love from Fox and Friends, plus all the repetitive fluff. But, I’ve given up on Joe over the past month, because it is non-stop moonbattery, conspiracy theories (I’ll watch Ancient Aliens or […]

If All You See…

…is a great wildspace that’s perfect for wind turbines, far away from view of the big cities, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on an ISIS attack in Australia.

Goracle: “I Don’t Have A Private Jet”

And he lives as much of a carbon free lifestyle as he can, you guys! During an interview with Jake Tapper, Tapper was good enough to give Al Gore a chance to bloviate (video at the link) (Real Clear Politics) TAPPER: President Trump has gone after you directly when talking about this issue of climate […]

Ontario Makes Disapproval Of Children’s Gender Confusion Child Abuse

Isn’t it awesome that a government has decided to side with a tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of people who are, for the most part, mentally ill? (Daily Caller) Ontario passed a law Thursday that gives the government the right to take away children from families that don’t accept their kid’s chosen “gender identity.” Parents who […]

Federal Judge Is “Humiliated” For Having To Actually Uphold Immigration Law

It must be a total bummer having to uphold the laws. There is a solution. Quit (Breitbart) Judges are humiliated and dehumanized whenever they must enforce the nation’s immigration laws, according to a senior judge on the far-left Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The judge’s cry of outrage came when he could not block the […]

Great Legislative Ideas To Fight Hotcoldwetdry We Can All Agree On

Glenn Reynolds, of Instapundit fame, who’s fond of writing “I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis act like it’s a crisis”, offers up an interesting opinion piece at the USA Today To fight climate change, start with Leonardo DiCaprio’s private jet lifestyle Even though Donald Trump withdrew from […]

If All You See…

…is a world where desert meets jungle due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on what sea gauges really show.

Senator Mark Warner (D): Nope, No Evidence Of Collusion

So, um, what, exactly, is being investigated at this point? (CNS News) Jake Tapper, host of CNN’s “State of the Union,” asked Warner: “One of the big questions, of course, is, is there any evidence of collusion that you have seen yet? Is there?” Warner (D-Va.) responded: Listen, there’s a lot of smoke. We have […]

Al Gore Confronted By Chris Wallace Over Failed Climate Change Prognostications

Al and his giant carbon footprint didn’t really have an answer (Daily Caller) “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace confronted former Vice President Al Gore on his 2006 claim that unless drastic action was taken humanity would face a “true planetary emergency” in the next decade. “Unless we take drastic measures the world would reach […]

Pirate's Cove