Monthly Archives: June 2017

If All You See…

…is a wonderful carbon friendly bike which can reduce the melt from glaciers which becomes streams coming off of mountains, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Proof Positive, with a post on the quote du jour

Orange County Changes Dress Code To Fight Scary Confederate Flag Clothing

Unconstitutional and ripe for the Law Of Unintentional Consequences (WTVD) In a dramatic meeting Monday night, Orange County school board members voted against their attorney’s recommendation and approved an altered revision to the school system’s dress code policy to combat concerns about the Confederate flag on campuses. After 7 months of hearings and protests amid […]

Boston Globe Is Super Excited For You To Give Up Your Air Conditioning

Nowhere within this long article does Leon Neyfakh express that he’s given up his own use, nor that the Boston Globe has turned off their AC units at the corporate building and in the fossil fueled vehicles they use to deliver newspapers How to live without air conditioning Could Americans kick our addiction to cool? […]

Silly Democrat Introduces COVFEFE Act, Because Why Not

Suddenly, Democrats are Very Concerned with the retention of government communications (someone should ask Hillary about her 30,000 deleted emails) (Mediaite) It seems like every single day there is at least one Democratic legislator looking to troll President Trump. Today, Illinois Congressman Mike Quigley joined the fray by introducing the COVFEFE Act. Yes, just when […]

Texas Businesses Are Totally Not Waiting On Trump To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

Companies that use vast amounts of fossil fuels and energy for their products are resisting or something Texas businesses aren’t waiting on President Trump to fight climate change The White House is dropping out of the international effort to limit global warming. But in Texas, candy and pet food giant Mars isn’t slowing its climate […]

If All You See…

…is a mountain that has lost all its glaciers due to Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Bizzy Blog, with a post on CNN blaming Trump for the strain between him and Obama.

Liberals Worry About ‘Climate Change’ In Face Of Real Threats

I generally avoid reproducing entire articles as a matter of good blogging form. It was established early on that, unless you’re talking about a short article, you should avoid full copy and paste, simply take excerpts, and always link. Some ignored this, and shame on them. People work hard on their content, and that’s not […]

Gay Rights Folks Take To Streets To #Resist Or Something

But they looked fabulous doing it! (LA Times) This year, LA Pride went from party to protest. Gone were the colorful floats and boozy crowds watching from the sidewalks of Santa Monica Boulevard. Instead, marchers flooded the streets of Hollywood and West Hollywood, the crowd stretching for several blocks for what can best be described […]

Former NYPD Commissioner: Terrorist Attacks Like London Are The New Normal

Only if you let them be (NY Daily News) Terrorist attacks like the ones in London and Manchester are the “new normal,” and the U.S. should brace itself for similar attacks, former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said Sunday. “We are clearly seeing that the pace of terrorist attacks, certainly in Europe has been increasing, said […]

If All You See…

…is a resource sucking dog contributing to world ending climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Geller Report, with a post on the scariness of bacon left at a mosque in Britain. It’s blondes week!

Pirate's Cove