…is horrible evil meat which Other People should not be allowed to eat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on feminism’s excuse factory.

…is horrible evil meat which Other People should not be allowed to eat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on feminism’s excuse factory.
This picture almost inspires cannibalism.
Does this obvious hypocrisy invalidate trump’s Made in America movement? Why should anyone take him seriously if he doesn’t abide by his own rules?
Fool analysis and thinking by a fool.
trumpski wants to force everyone else to Make It in America while he continues making millions Making It Everywhere Else. And who knows what business deals he has in Russia.
Fool assessment by a fool.
And then there were eight.
The eighth participant the trumpski jrs hidden meeting was Irakly Kaveladze. who works for the Agalarovs as a vice president of their family company, Crocus International.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) accused Kaveladze of being involved in a massive effort, over nearly 10 years, to launder $1.4 billion of Russian and Eastern European money through U.S. banks.
Were the trumpski’s involved?
And then there were eight.
The eighth participant the trumpski jrs hidden meeting was Irakly Kaveladze. who works for the Agalarovs as a vice president of their family company, Crocus International.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) accused Kaveladze of being involved in a massive effort, over nearly 10 years, to launder $1.4 billion of Russian and Eastern European money through U.S. banks.
Were the trumpski’s involved?
So stupid and irrelevant that little jeffuckery

had to post his nonsense twice.
We saw how pupfuckery and pointed hood dave post the same things over and again.
Or maybe TEACH liked it so much he posted it twice.
Aw, how nice that little jeffuckery noticed.
Guess he’s gotta have some kind of diversion now that the grandson can defend himself.
The fool is knowing he is irrelevant and his fool plans for a perfect communist world are over.