…is a haze from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on fat feminism and the war on sanity.

…is a haze from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on fat feminism and the war on sanity.
Mr McCain’s article concerns a “fat feminist” who’s combitching that “cis het men” don’t want to date her. Well, perhaps her personality has something to do with it, but while beauty is subjective, that subjectiveness is heavily influenced by cultural norms, and obesity isn’t exactly within those norms these days.
unPresident tRump is the star of the hugest reality show in history – Chaos Amerika!
Every word, every gesture, every tweet is intended to gather attention from the media and citizens. Governance be damned – this is a game show – and the Manhattan hillbillies are raking in millions.
New tRump administration motto: “Are You Not Entertained?!?”
Funny that.
Mooch the Douche is getting a divorce.
We guess he’ll have to learn to suck his own cock like Steve Bannon does.
After unPresident tRump advocated police brutality in a speech, the Suffolk County police responded:
Every time tRump gives a speech people have to go around cleaning up after him much like the guys with shovels behind the circus elephants.
Even the Boy Scouts had to apologize for tRump’s trashy antics.
Well, the Boy Scouts’ ‘adult’ leadership did, to placate the idiotic left, just like they reversed their policies to let queers serve as Scoutmasters. Of course, any responsible parent isn’t going to allow his son to join a troop headed by a homosexual; would you send your adolescent son out camping in the woods with a homosexual adult?
Oh, sorry, Jeffrey probably would!
But while the ‘adult’ leadership apologized, the Scouts themselves loved the President’s speech and appearance.
How soon before John Kelly fires The Mooch? Monday?
Every time I see the word “Mooch” it invokes a vision of an angry, fatass black woman.
The Mooch’s wife dumped his short ass before he goes to prison for influence peddling to the Chinese, like the Kushner family did. At least it wasn’t the Russians.