Monthly Archives: July 2017

NYC Subway As A Stand-in For Socialized Medicine

The same people who run the New York City transit system are the same ones who want to run America’s healthcare system Closures, overcrowding, rats: New York City commuters face ‘summer of hell’ The city’s aging subway has been declared ‘a state of emergency’. Combined with closures on other rail lines, riders are bracing for […]

If All You See…

…is sunlight made stronger by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on a new German law on “hate speech.”

NY Times Seems Pretty Upset That EPA Would Allow People With Other Views To Present Them

Science in Liberal World is like everything else in Liberal World: one view allowed, no dissension allowed, Wrongthink must be shut down E.P.A. to Give Dissenters a Voice on Climate, No Matter the Consensus Once you’ve mentioned consensus, you’ve admitted this is not about science, but politics. Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection […]

Some People Are Losing Their Minds Over GOP Immigration Bills

What is so wrong with trying to control who is entering the United States, and attempting to make sure they are doing it legally? What is wrong with attempting to make sure that jurisdictions are not intentionally sheltering people who are unlawfully present? Most other countries do this. Let’s start off with Scott Shackford at […]

Pirate's Cove