You refuse to buy local, stop using a hair dryer, take showers longer than 2 minutes, and don’t unplug your cable box when not in use, so, you’re to blame
Suicides of nearly 60,000 Indian farmers linked to climate change, study claims
Climate change may have contributed to the suicides of nearly 60,000 Indian farmers and farm workers over the past three decades, according to new research that examines the toll rising temperatures are already taking on vulnerable societies.
Illustrating the extreme sensitivity of the Indian agricultural industry to spikes in temperature, the study from the University of California, Berkeley, found an increase of just 1C on an average day during the growing season was associated with 67 more suicides.
An increase of 5C on any one day was associated with an additional 335 deaths, the study published in the journal PNAS on Monday found. In total, it estimates that 59,300 agricultural sector suicides over the past 30 years could be attributed to warming.
Could be. May. Their computer models and preconceived notions to create Blamestorming tell them so.
Worse than the parched crops were the bank loans that loomed over many farming families, said Rani Radhakrishnan, one of the protesters.
In February, owing 80,000 rupees (£945), her husband stood outside his bank branch in the city of Trichy, and consumed a toxic concoction. He died on the spot.
So, it could possibly be something else? Like backbreaking debt?
The crime bureau found that more than half (58 per cent) of the 12,602 farmer suicides in 2015 were driven by bankruptcy, indebtedness and other farming-related issues.
“Suicides occur due to extreme economic despair,” said M S Swaminathan, a geneticist who has studied India’s agriculture industry
Of course, that’s blamed on Hotcoldwetdry, as well.
There have actually been record harvests in India, leading to price drops, which leads to less money, leading to banks wanting money that farmers do not have. Na. Climate change. And this politicized social psychology study is being pimped in news outlets around the world, with nary a paper saying “is this really correct?”

“There have actually been record harvests in India, leading to price drops”
And if the crops had dried up and blown away…still globull warming.
Heads I win tails you lose…
More trouble comes with the Western do-gooders that go to India and try to impose their sustainable, organic, low-carbon footprint, non-GMO religion on the poor farmers who can’t afford these privileged notions. In large part, these programs are paid for by Western taxpayers for now. If the West succeeds in imposing Indian governmental regulations through international climate change treaties, these farmer suicides will double.