This isn’t actually new, Warmists have long had a bug up their bums when it comes to pets, but, like any good Warmist meme, they circle back around to it now and then
(Daily Caller) Pet dogs and cats are only making global warming worse, according to a University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) study.
The study claims the meat-based diet of many dogs and cats requires more meat than the average human diet, meaning the existence of pets is making global warming worse.
“I do think we should consider all the impacts that pets have so we can have an honest conversation about them,†Gregory Okin, a UCLA geography professor involved in the research, said in a press statement. “Pets have many benefits, but also a huge environmental impact.â€
How does one have an “honest conversation” with complete nutballs, who also have problems with children, referring to them as “little carbon footprints”, much less the fact that the same people massage, spin, fake, and manufacture data?
Okin claims that dogs and cats eat a lot of meat, which releases the equivalent of about 64 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually. He says that getting rid of dogs and cats would be the environmental equivalent of removing 13.6 million cars from the road. Dogs and cats are especially environmentally unfriendly compared to other vegetarian pets.
Yeah, he is actually recommending doing away with all cats and dogs as pets. Totally nutballs.

Those have to be some mighty big dogs if they’re eating more meat than me….
So the people that are so concerned about extinction of species are openly advocating for the forced extinction of species that they find harmful to the environment? These people are crazy as hell.
Friday morning links
Off to the Cape for a few days with family and friends. View from our patio Why new cars suck Learning to be manly: Achilles and Hector It’s not easy for mortals Guys, Let’s Talk About What Women ‘Should’ Look Like, Mmmmkay
The article quoted:
And what is a “vegetarian pet”? A vegetarian pet would be something like a bunny or a gerbil or a parakeet, an animal without enough brain power to interact with humans, an animal which cannot be litter trained or house trained, and an animal which has to live out its life in a cage.
Thanks, but no thanks! If I’m going to keep an animal, I’m sure not going to have him living out his life in a cage; that’s just cruel.
Even my turtle, a red ear slider is NOT a vegetarian. She is hand fed shrimp regularly. When we BBQ she pokes her head out of her pond and readily eats tri-tip or a piece of hot dog. My son is currently in his vegan phase. Hopefully it won’t last. In the meantime I’ll just call it even.
[…] On tips from Bodhisattva, J, The LIEberal Media, and Jester. Hat tip: Pirate’s Cove. […]
I propose we declare Open Season on liberals, like Orkin. Ship all the bodies to rendering plants to make pet food of. Then and only then will Liberals have contributed something positive toward a clean and healthy environment.