Because, in Credentialed Media World, everything Trump does, no matter how minor, must be questioned and put in the worst possible terms. Because they’re just doing their jobs as journalists, you guys. They’re revved up and ready to go after their 8 year nap. The app version of this Washington Post article has the headline “Trump would break with tradition if he hosts leaders attending U.N. meeting at his N.J. golf club”, vs the regular web of
Trump may host visiting leaders at his N.J. golf club during upcoming U.N. meeting
President Trump is planning to host foreign leaders at his New Jersey golf club when he attends the annual U.N. General Assembly session next month, breaking decades of precedent for U.S. presidents, said people familiar with preparations for the gathering.
The State Department is getting ready for an unspecified number of foreign meetings at the Bedminster, N.J., golf club over several days during the week of Sept. 18. The White House has not announced plans for Trump’s first visit to the gathering, which usually draws roughly 150 heads of state.
U.S. presidents usually attend the gathering for about two days, while the secretary of state stays for a week or more. Both typically hold meetings with foreign dignitaries at hotels or the U.N. headquarters, taking advantage of a unique gathering of leaders and diplomats. State Department staffers jokingly call the back-to-back sessions diplomatic speed dating.
The plans for Bedminster mark the latest example of the president’s holding official events at his Trump-branded properties, including his Florida summit meeting in April with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago.
OK, and?????? Have you seen this place? It’s gorgeous. It has award winning cuisine and facilities. Perhaps world leaders will enjoy getting away from the stuffy U.N. building and hotels and hanging out at a beautiful golf course, looking out at trees and animals (and people making violent gestures after a bad shot), eating great food.
Still, the idea of an American president receiving dignitaries at a private business far from U.N. headquarters is unsettling, said Bill Richardson, a former U.N. ambassador and former governor of New Mexico.
“It’s better to do it in the city. Do it at the U.N.,†Richardson said. “Symbolism is important. This is the U.N. There should be an acknowledgment of the importance of the U.N., not snubbing them.â€
How is inviting them to Bedminster a snub? That part doesn’t get explained. But, then, this is the #Resistance as put in print by the so-called impartial news media.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

“ American president receiving dignitaries at a private business far from U.N. headquarters is unsettling”
Oh Dear! Unsettling. I believe I’m getting the vapors! Diplomats, just a bunch of effete pin-striped tea drinkers.
It’s also a profit opportunity for Trump Enterprises!
And after all tRumpki considers Our White House “a dump”.
Do you reckon he laundered Russian mob money through Bedminster? Mr. Mueller will find out.