…is horrible evil carbon polluting pepperoni which usually comes from evil carbon polluting pigs, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Outrage!!!! over the Dolphins pick at QB.
Someone had a hissy fit over the previous photo, so, here’s a replacement.

The problem is obvious: the Dolphins signed one washed-up quarterback to stand around and hold a clipboard over another washed up quarterback to stand around and hold a clipboard.
If the Dolphins struggle, at least they won’t have to listen to chants of “We want Cutler!”
The Original Pussy Hat:
tRumpski’s “floor” appears to be about 24%, the percentage of Americans who think they can trust communications from our White House. This is remarkably similar to the 23%ers who believe the Earth is only 6 to 10 thousand years old, and who think global warming is all natural.
All I see is that the grease stain on their pizza box looks like Australia and New Guinea. Are these more Australian girls from last week?