…is an evil plastic bottle and an evil gas grill, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is NoTricksZone, with a post on how climate alarmists react to opposing views.

…is an evil plastic bottle and an evil gas grill, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is NoTricksZone, with a post on how climate alarmists react to opposing views.
The Joint Chiefs just defied tRump and said what he didn’t have the balls to say.
A couple points, Jeff.
1. Trump has denounced neo-Nazi’s, white supremacists, and the KKK many, many times. He did it numerous times during the campaign season. He’s done it over the past couple of days. You just don’t like it, and are shifting goalposts.
2. There was no defying of Trump, because he’s said it himself.
3. No matter what he said, you and the rest of the left would still find fault.
4. It is a very slippery slope when you attempt to take away Constitution Rights of Free Speech, protesting peaceably (operative word is peaceably) and asking for redress of grievance. No matter how disgusting and despicable, they are still guaranteed. Remember the tagline at the top of this blog, which actually came from Noam Chomsky. Once you start stripping rights from those you despise, that can come back and bite you.
5. I despise Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Anarchists, and what they say and what they stand for. Many in your party are anti-Semites, anti-Israel, pro-baby murder, and pro-Islamic terrorists. But, I won’t ask for their 1st Amendment Rights to be stripped. Once you start stripping rights from those you despise, you could be next on the chopping block.
6. I have denounced those same Nazi’s, white supremacists, and the KKK.
7. Will you denounce Antifa, the Anarchists, and Black Lives Matter, among others, who all use violence, inflammatory language, what you refer to as hate speech, among others? If you won’t, you’re a hypocrite and part of the problem.
Take need big boy.
Need is news
Dang kindle
Friends of little jeffuckery.
1. Trump has denounced neo-Nazi’s, white supremacists, and the KKK many, many times. He did it numerous times during the campaign season. He’s done it over the past couple of days. You just don’t like it, and are shifting goalposts. Did you not hear tRump yesterday?
2. There was no defying of Trump, because he’s said it himself. A retired admiral on CNN agreed with you that it was not defiance by the Joint Chiefs but rather an affirmation that our military, the military that protects Antifa and white supremacists alike, is a multiverse of men, women, LGBT, whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, christians and atheists, that is, the antithesis of what the neo-Nazis and KKK believe.
3. No matter what he said, you and the rest of the left would still find fault. That is silly and untrue.
4. It is a very slippery slope when you attempt to take away Constitution Rights of Free Speech, protesting peaceably (operative word is peaceably) and asking for redress of grievance. No matter how disgusting and despicable, they are still guaranteed. Remember the tagline at the top of this blog, which actually came from Noam Chomsky. Once you start stripping rights from those you despise, that can come back and bite you. We are not advocating stripping rights. I’ve made it clear that social shaming is the approach to squelch the white Supremacists. It starts with the president and he failed.
5. I despise Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Anarchists, and what they say and what they stand for. Many in your party are anti-Semites, anti-Israel, pro-baby murder, and pro-Islamic terrorists. But, I won’t ask for their 1st Amendment Rights to be stripped. Once you start stripping rights from those you despise, you could be next on the chopping block. Why do you despise these groups? I am not anti-Semitic, and despise those, like the white supremacists, that are. I am not anti-Israel. I support abortion rights – the law of the land – is that what you mislabel as “baby murder”? I hate Islamic terrorists.
6. I have denounced those same Nazi’s, white supremacists, and the KKK. Good. We all should. Their beliefs are unAmerican and vile.
7. Will you denounce Antifa, the Anarchists, and Black Lives Matter, among others, who all use violence, inflammatory language, what you refer to as hate speech, among others? If you won’t, you’re a hypocrite and part of the problem. I will denounce specific violent acts. In general, the loose association of losers who call themselves anarchists are anti-capitalism, and I disagree with their position. I support the BLM movement, as you should. I too am anti-fascist, as you should be, but I condemn any violence, including property damage, by Antifa. If they want to yell at neo-Nazis, more power to them, if they become violent, arrest them.
The difference between BLM and the white supremacist groups is that BLM is looking to lift oppression and the white supremacist groups are looking to oppress. The message of the white supremacists is anti-American. That’s the difference.
Many Americans are concerned with Trump’s “closeness” to the euphemistically named “alt-right” – certainly a more sanitized name than neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan and white supremacists. There is a reason the white supremacists were delighted with trump yesterday while most Americans (including many Republicans) were appalled.
So it sounds as if we have more in common than not! We abhor violence, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, Islamic terrorists, Anarchists, white supremacists. We support our diverse military. You and I differ on abortion rights. And obviously, global warming.
We understand what tRump and his supporters are attempting: moral equivalence between neo-Nazis/KKK/white supremacists who advocate the oppression of human and civil rights for non-white non-christians and those that oppose them. This is the tu quoque (butlookatthoseguys!) debate tactic meant to move the focus from the neo-Nazis.
The white supremacist movement advocates a white christian America, which is their right.
You should do your own research on what Antifa, BLM, and others stand for. You’ve obviously missed that being anti-Jew and anti-Israel while also supporting the terrorist groups that oppose them is all the rage within Liberal circles. You say you hate Islamic terrorism, yet, you, like so many others on the Left, do all you can to equate them with normal Muslims, thereby being able to call all condemnations “Islamophobia”. Abortion is not the law of the land, it is a court ruling.
BLM has talking points that are discriminatory towards Whites. It is a Black Supremacist movement. Antifa, like BLM, is also anti-police, and has called for violence towards them. They both use violence and threats of violence to shut down lawful assemblies and free speech.
You can’t claim to be anti-fascist if you attempt to shut down the civil rights of people you do not agree with.
Except, BLM is espousing both supremacist and separatist doctrine. Go look it up. Look at their manifestos. If you replaced black with white in the credo’s, you’d be incensed.
C’mon William, that’s funny right there.

Everyone here knows little jeffuckery hasn’t the slightest acquaintance with any research on any subject. He only serves as annoying little leftist parrot squawking incoherently inside the Captain’s quarters.
Is this the BLM manifesto you mean? What is most bothersome, supremacist and separatist?
if you attempt to shut down the civil rights of people you do not agree with. We do not advocate limiting anyone’s civil rights. Even the most vile Klansman, neo-Nazi and white supremacists has their right to be heard. It is everyone else’s right to harshly criticize them and label their views as unAmerican.
Abortion is not the law of the land, it is a court ruling. Do you not recognize and abide by Supreme Court rulings? Our courts are the third and equal branch.
do all you can to equate them (Islamic terrorists) with normal Muslims Untrue. Conservatives imply that all Muslims are responsible for the brutal actions of the terrorists. As we’ve said before regarding Islamic terrorists – kill ’em all – they do not represent all of Islam.