Shockingly, streets get hot in the summer. The different types of paving tend to soak up the heat from the sun. And, now
Los Angeles is currently becoming an exhibit of global warming as the temperatures continue to rise. In an effort to contain the effects of climate change, Los Angeles streets are being coated with a material that was initially known for hiding planes from spy satellites. Coolseal is being used on the streets of LA so that its sun rays reflecting property helps to reduce the temperatures and makes the city cool again. Los Angeles has been melting with temperatures reaching as high as 104-degree Fahrenheit, and this coating aims at changing the situation.
Coolseal is a grey coloured coating that reflects sun rays and the city officials had tested this coolant in 2015. The first time Coolseal was tested was in a parking lot San Fernando Valley, one of the hottest parts of town. The average summer temperatures in LA has risen from the upper 80s to more than 100-degree Fahrenheit multiple times, making global warming a crucial issue that needs to be battled.
Talk about bad writing. Almost as bad as the climate models.
The assistant director of the Bureau of Street Services, Greg Spotts spoke about the effects of Coolseal and said, “We found that on average the area covered in CoolSeal is 10 degrees cooler than black asphalt on the same parking lot.We thought it was really interesting. It’s almost like treated asphalt warms at a lower rate.†this move may make Los Angeles the first US city to test cool pavements as a way of fighting global warming.
In a time where climate change and global warming are still being termed as a ‘myth’, and its existence is still in the grey area, these reports and LA’s weather situation should be a clear example to prove that climate change is real. This coolant can actually help combat global warming in an efficient manner.
Wait, let’s jump back a second. Note that the use of CoolSeal can decrease the the temperature by 10 degrees when applied to black asphalt.
New seal on L.A. roads aims to cut heat-island effect
Climate change conjures up distant images of rising seas and cracking ice sheets, but in cities nationwide, the effects of global warming are apparent as soon as you step outside.
Known as the “urban heat island effect,†it refers to the pockets of intense heat captured by the concrete, asphalt, dark roofs and dearth of foliage that define many American cityscapes.
Los Angeles — surrounded by desert and encased in thousands of miles of asphalt — is the poster child of the heat-island effect, experts say, which explains why city officials are exploring innovative ways to combat record-breaking, rising temperatures. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, D, wants to reduce the city’s average temperature by three degrees over the next 20 years, according to the Los Angeles Times.
This article is mixing metaphors, but, at the end, we understand that, while the average global temperature has gone up a little bit, which tends to happen during Holocene warm periods, which have happened many times, the bigger problem is UHI. Cities tend to be warmer than the surrounding countryside. While it is anthropogenic, it is not global. It is a localized effect, but is positioned as utter doom as the hot temperatures are positioned as anthropogenic global warming.
Yes, mankind does have a slight effect on the global temperature through greenhouse gases, but, most of the rest is comprised of nature doing nature stuff, along with artificial inflated temperature readings from the urban heat island effect and land use. Los Angeles is a poster child for the UHI.
The use of CoolSeal is a good idea, btw. It’d be great to use it on most road surfaces in urbanized areas.

Cool post, William.

Really cool.
I ain’t a scientist and didn’t stay at a holiday inn last night but I figured out many years ago that since buildings/roads tend to retain heat a lot longer than plain old dirt, city temps would tend to accumulate over the summer. IOW, less radiant cooling at night. DUH!
While the use of this product might have a minimal effect(good thing),how well will it hold up long term, especially due to dirt etc. I’ve also seen proposals to cover all streets with it. Anyone now how well it works (loss of traction?) in the rain?
Ayuh, we have CoolSeal here in Maine, too, but we mostly plow it down to about a half-inch. That stuff can be wicked slippery, but at least it’s free. I betcha we drop about 70-90 degrees when the stuff hits. “Where’s the gol-darn global warmin’ when ya need it?” the selectmen keep asking. Oh, well. Aunt Bertha went out there to LA. Come home after a month. Too far from the ocean, she said.