This one comes to us from north of the border, as Gerry Labelle, 2011 Progressive Conservative candidate for Sudbury writes in
Sudbury letter: Build statues for climate change heroes
While the Ontario Teachers Federation passed a motion to remove the name of Canada’s first prime minister from all public elementary schools in the province, a larger crisis looms that could easily make history either irrelevant or extinct.
OK, so that’s obviously a bit of hyperbole on my part, but it does fit to serve the reason for this article.
There is a looming crisis; it’s called climate change. It is the common enemy that should be uniting us.
Any politician who wants his or her name on a building or statue or any public institution needs to act now. Failing to take positive action would be the greatest failing of any leader. (snip to the end)
To our Canadian leaders, thank you, but you have to do more. If you single-handedly solve the climate change crisis, I will work to get the whole damn planet named after you.
How soon till the Warmists start wanting to replace the statues of all involved with Wrongthink, which now seems to include not just those linked to the Confederacy, but Washington, Jefferson, Joan Of Arc, a Revolutionary War Colonel, and so on, with “climate heroes?”