A super hot-take from Warmist Mark Lynas at CNN (which uses vast amounts of fossil fuels to gather and disseminate their version of the news)
Now we have a moral duty to talk about climate change
This is what climate change looks like. Entire metropolitan areas – Houston in the United States and Mumbai in India — submerged in catastrophic floods.
Record-breaking rainfall: Harvey’s 50-plus inches of torrential deluge set a new national tropical cyclone rain record for the continental United States.
They used to make Hollywood disaster movies about this sort of thing. Now it’s just the news.
If this is what ‘climate change’ looks like, it being almost 12 years between landfalls of major hurricanes, which is a time frame which is much longer than we’ve seen in the historical records, and having lower than average landfalls of hurricanes and tropical storms, well, that’s a good thing, is it not? Of course, not in Warmist World.
What caused all those hurricanes in the past?
Anyhow, all the typical Warmist talking points follow, till we get to
We all have a duty to confront denial and speak out. If we fail, the Harveys, Katrinas and Sandys of the future will be even worse than the storms we experience today. And in the future, as now, each subsequent climate disaster will just be “news.” Surely we can do better than that.
OK, fine, here’s your challenge, Mark, CNN, and Warmists: practice what you preach. Period.
But, what they really mean is that we have a moral duty or something to pass laws and regulations that install taxes and fees while putting more control of people and the private sector in government hands.

Dear Mark Lynas,
“This is what
climatechange looks like.”FTFY.
“They used to make Hollywood disaster movies about this sort of thing.”
What, about hurricanes and floods? Did they? I guess I forgot them because they weren’t very interesting.
“Now it’s just the news.”
So the news is now as “fake” as Hollywood?
As a
newsmannewspersonnewsmodel yourself, isn’t that your fault/problem/”moral responsibility”?D’oh!
That’s what I meant.
Not to mention the wildfires consuming the west…