No matter what happens, Democrats are required by rule to make it political. It’s what they do. And, as you read this, remember that the publication date shows two hours before the posting of this post, as the hurricane has already been lashing Florida
Florida residents call on Trump to open Mar-a-Lago as a shelter for hurricane victims
In some locations, people are arriving at the doors only to be told that there is no room for them there. Frustrated with what has been seen as a lack of communication from local officials — and, in some cases, conflicting messages about where to go — some are asking a simple question: Why hasn’t Donald Trump said he will use his Mar-a-Lago resort as a place of refuge for desperate Americans?
“Of course he should†open up Mar-a-Lago, Rick Castillo said, standing just in front of his beachside home in Hollywood. Mr Castillo had prepared his home the best he could, and was admiring the crashing waves in front of him before the worst of Irma arrived.
Mr Castillo said that he wasn’t worried about the storm anymore — forecasts no longer say that the eastern coast of Florida will experience direct landfall — but said that the ramped up concern in recent days had forced people to help one another, to be as selfless as possible. On Friday, he had picked up a shovel to help others fill sandbags from the beach to bring home for safety.
“He should be doing anything to help the public,†Mr Castillo said of the President. “When people need help, you either help or you turn your head. I think Trump is turning his head.â€
In other words, the Independent searched for a person to take shots at Trump because #Resist. Even though Mar-a-Lago isn’t actually set up as a shelter. And
Mr Trump’s Mar-a-Lago beach side resort was ordered to be evacuated Friday alongside all of the ritzy Palm Beach Island where it sits. The resort is located on a low-lying strip of land that runs against the Atlantic Ocean, and is separated from the mainland by yet another body of narrow water. Some of the country’s most expensive real estate is located on those same barrier islands where Mr Trump’s property sits.
That’s right, there was a mandatory evacuation order. And shelters from hurricanes are typically not going to be in the lowest lying areas in buildings with tons of windows that can break and are a couple hundred yards from the waterway, which can, you know, flood from storm surge. Sorry, sorry, facts in the middle of a Narrative.
However, it could potentially provide shelter in the wake of Hurricane Irma for those that may see their houses flooded.
Cult of Climastrology members came up with this graphic to show what extreme sea rise!!!!!! could do to Mar-a-Lago.
While dumb and climahysterical, this is what storm surge could do to the place. But, hey, let’s use it as a shelter! Brilliant idea! From 2 people.
If their homes flood, so does Mar-a-Lago. The story, which features exactly one (1) person making a political complaint (and is called “residents” in the headline) was surely precipitated by the tweet from Nutty Michael Moore, which is mentioned in the article. Raw Story writes
That’s why many in South Florida are wondering why the president isn’t stepping in to help, The Independent reported Saturday.
Two, Michael Moore (who is nowhere near the zone – perhaps he could jet in and help people?) and Mr. Castillo are now “many.” That’s the new math in our public education system.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

My lefty friends are wringing their hands about America pretending that Cuba didn’t just get hit by a hurricane.
Me too.