I’m starting to see a pattern out of the Cult of Climastrology, where they are creating a Narrative about hurricanes not changing people’s minds on anthropogenic climate change. Here we have Bloomberg’s Jennifer Dloughy giving it a shot
Monster Storms Change Coastlines, Not Minds on Climate Change
Back-to-back hurricanes fueled by warm Atlantic waters may have altered the coasts of Texas and Florida, but there’s no indication they are shifting the politics of climate change.
Except, Harvey was fueled by average to below average Gulf waters, not the Atlantic. Irma developed over below average Atlantic waters, before hitting mostly normal waters as it hit the Caribbean islands. Why this need to lie from Warmists?
“We cannot ignore that carbon emissions are causing our ocean temperatures to get warmer, which is fueling more powerful hurricanes,” said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat from New York, at a lightly attended hearing on carbon-capture technology.
Yet that is exactly what many are doing on an issue that increasingly breaks down along partisan lines. Republicans in charge of the House and Senate haven’t scheduled hearings to examine the phenomenon. President Donald Trump has ignored shouted questions on the topic and administration officials have brushed the whole issue aside as a distraction.
Why would they schedule any? There is nothing abnormal about hurricanes during hurricane season. It is interesting that a mildly active hurricane season is everything, while almost 12 years of no landfalling major hurricanes means nothing.
People in areas that have experienced extreme weather are only marginally more likely to support climate adaption policies such as elevation requirements and restrictions on coastal development, according to research published in the September issue of “Global Environmental Change.” Instead, political party identification is a much bigger factor in how people viewed the issue, according to the study that examined public opinion data coupled with geographic information about extreme weather events.
And any changes in thinking after extreme weather are likely to be temporary.
“There was no discernible difference after a month between people who experienced more extreme weather and those who did not,” Llewelyn Hughes, a professor at Australian National University, and David Konisky, a professor at Indiana University, said in a Washington Post essay describing their research. “Even though events like Hurricane Irma are tragic, it may very well be that people tend to forget about them quite quickly and get on with the rest of their lives.”
Because most are not brainwashed cult members who think every incident of Bad Weather is caused by Someone Else’s carbon footprint. Instead, they realize storms are a natural part of, get this, weather.
There are also parallels to the gun control debate, which didn’t dramatically shift after shootings of schoolchildren in Connecticut and a congressman in Virginia.
That’s it, I’m done. Nutballs.

Good Lord – hurricanes forming during the peak production time of HURRICANE SEASON?
What’s next? Water being wet?
Also note that NOAA and NHC are corrupting their reporting: