This missive comes way of Cesar Vargas, Esquire, the first illegal alien to be admitted to the NY Bar, and who has stumped for people to….continue breaking U.S. immigration laws.
Let’s Make a Deal on Immigration: Dream Act with Money to Rebuild Houston, Puerto Rico, Mexico
Realistically, everything you need to know is in the headline: hold disaster money hostage to provide some sort of legal status for lawbreakers.
This radical policy change was followed with news that an agreement had been forged between Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and President Trump, allowing for a legislative solution for Dreamers in exchange for extensive “border enforcementâ€.
This is unacceptable. The American people are demanding urgent legislation that secures a path to citizenship — like the DREAM Act — for those young immigrants affected by the loss of DACA.
Even two-thirds of Trump supporters believe Dreamers should be allowed to stay and become citizens.
An acceptable compromise, however, could be the Dream Act in exchange for funds to provide immediate relief to Houston, Puerto Rico, and Mexico who have suffered extensive destruction by raging hurricanes and earthquakes.
Apparently, holding needed relief funds hostage is acceptable among those who support continuous violations of U.S. law.
We can’t throw our families and other immigrants under the bus in exchange for green cards. We can, however, make a deal to pass the Dream Act with billions to rebuild our nation.
They aren’t “our”: they are “theirs”.
I’ll make a counter offer: legal status for Dreamers who pass the same standards that those who are attempting to become U.S. citizens the legal way in exchange for self deportation of the people who knowingly violated U.S. laws and sovereignty in bringing the kids (legal status cannot start till the people who brought them leave the U.S., and can be rescinded permanently if they come back illegally), coupled with tough enforcement on the entities that hire illegals and restrictions on all those who would attempt to gain legal status by bringing their children after the legislation is enacted into law. If Mr. Vargas, who is just saying what Democrats are thinking, really wants legal status for the Dreamers, he has to be willing to give something. Holding needed relief money hostage is beyond despicable, but, then, we shouldn’t expect anything different from Democrats.