We learned yesterday that Senators Thom Tillis, James Lankford, and Orrin Hatch were going to introduce their DACA alternative, and they did
(WRAL) Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) on Monday announced a long-awaited proposal that addresses the uncertain legal status of undocumented children, more commonly referred to as “Dreamers.”
At a news conference at the Capitol, posters displayed four core principles to The SUCCEED Act: Compassion, Prevention, Merit, and Fairness.
“This act is about the children,” Tillis announced. “We’ve got to set a high bar and make sure that if people want to come here, they do it legally.”
The SUCCEED Act, which stands for Solution for Undocumented Children through Careers Employment Education and Defending our nation, offers a 15-year path to citizenship for any immigrant who arrived illegally in the United States prior to their 16th birthday.
The bill itself is not yet available to read on any of their websites, not at Congress.gov. There are more details on it available at Thom Tillis’ website, laying out the pathway, including
After five years of CPR status, individuals may renew their status for another five years if they fulfill their commitment to pursue at least one of the three merit-based pathways for a 48-month period and demonstrate good moral character. Individuals could lose their CPR status if they fail to fulfill their merit-based obligations, commit a felony or a serious misdemeanor, or become a “public charge†(defined by the USCIS as one who becomes primarily dependent on the government for subsistence).
So, no government handouts. Want to succeed? Then they must do it on their own. Just like all the people who applied for citizenship the lawful way. Any of these illegals must either work 48 out of 60 months, attend college, or join the military to comply.
Then there’s this
Additionally, the SUCCEED Act prevents the parents of undocumented children from receiving benefits or preferential treatment, and prevents undocumented children from petitioning their parents.
No chain migration. No government benefits for the parents. Supposedly no legal status for the parents, supposedly. The proof is pudding, and we’ll wait to see exactly what the legislation states. Realistically, they should have to self deport as a condition for the kids to get the pathway, because, as Senator Lankford goes on to say “we as Americans do not hold children legally accountable for the actions of their parent”, and if that’s the case, someone has to be punished.
However, it does appear to allow chain migration after the 15 year time period, if they become citizens. But, here’s another question: the parent(s) who brought them broke federal law, so, should that not disqualify them from being lawfully present/allowed to immigrate?
The bill also deters future illegal immigration by requiring future non-immigrant visa recipients to sign a waiver forfeiting any future immigration benefits if they violate the terms of their visa.
One of the supposed things the SUCCEED Act cracks down on is Visa overstays, of which it is reported that as many as 45% of illegals overstayed. Again, the proof is in the pudding to see how the Act deals with visa overstays in detail, because that waiver is not much of a deterrent. And what provisions are included to deter more parents from bringing their kids in an attempt to gain lawful status?
There is also a two-pager with details on the act, along with some reason and FAQs.
Realistically, they should all be deported, period. But, we know that is not going to happen. Depending on the text, this could be a good solution. Democrats, like Dick Durbin, are already having a tizzy, certainly without reading it. What they want is immediate citizenship for the kids and the parents, no conditions, and no measures to help reduce the flow of illegals.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Senator Durbin hardly had a “tizzy”:
TEACH lies to his hapless followers:
Were you blinded by hatred to what was actually in the bipartisan DREAM Act?
I believe he said the Democrats want this even though he included Durbin. Whenever you write legislation you always expect it to be rewritten if it is ever to be passed. In fact if you recall just a few short days ago DACA protestors were shouting down Nancy Pelosi as she tried to give a speech on the DACA problem. What were they shouting. Pretty much no surrender.
So on the left you have politicians threatened if they work with the republicans on anything but complete destruction of the right and on the right you have the republicans who fear for their jobs if they do not completely destroy the left on every issue.
Were the Republicans not paying attention when Harry Reid went into zero sum mode, in which he literally passed no legislation at all. After Dodd-Frank and Obamacare he went into a holding pattern while the democrats were summarily defeated in 3 straight elections to the point that today they have the smallest presence in government in the history of their party.
The republicans are now doing the exact same thing. It will be republicans throwing out their own members in 2018, 2020 because of McConnell’s zero sum game. All because your politicians are more interested in protecting their source contributors then they are in helping Americans and for that matter the world in overcoming obstacles.
Would you agree that Mr. TEACH is constructing a false dichotomy by stating that what Democrats
while the legislation they’ve submitted many, many times does not “want” that at all?
TEACH is a (small) part of the problem you’re decrying.