Democrats and illegal alien supporters have been increasing their calls for a “clean” Dreamer bill, one which pretty much provides amnesty without any give or take, without any security measures, basically one that gives them everything they want and gives up nothing. Mr. Trump lets the illegal alien supporters know that if they want something big like a pathway to citizenship, they are going to have to give up a lot
Trump administration releases hard-line immigration principles, threatening deal on ‘dreamers’
The Trump administration released a list of hard-line immigration principles late Sunday that threaten to derail a deal in Congress to allow hundreds of thousands of younger undocumented immigrants to remain in the country legally.
The administration’s wish list includes the funding of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, a crackdown on the influx of Central American minors and curbs on federal grants to “sanctuary cities,†according to a document distributed to Congress and obtained by The Washington Post. (snip)
The list released by the administration, however, would represent a major tightening of immigration laws. Cuts to legal immigration also are included. And, while Democrats have called for a path to citizenship for all dreamers, a group estimated at more than 1.5 million, a White House aide said Sunday night the administration is “not interested in granting a path to citizenship” in a deal to preserve the DACA program.
This halfway resembles a press release from the DNC, which is unsurprising when deal with leftist outlets like the Washington Post. Democrats are said to be very upset by…demands for security in dealing with people who are violating our national sovereignty and laws.
“The administration can’t be serious about compromise or helping the Dreamers if they begin with a list that is anathema to the Dreamers, to the immigrant community and to the vast majority of Americans,†Schumer and Pelosi said in a joint statement Sunday evening. “We told the President at our meeting that we were open to reasonable border security measures … but this list goes so far beyond what is reasonable. This proposal fails to represent any attempt at compromise.â€
Border security and a crackdown on illegal aliens is anathema to the Dreamers? Who cares? They’re here illegally. If we chose to provide them with some sort of legal status, they should be happy, rather than acting like children upset because they got a cookie instead of a bowl of ice cream. The Washington Post, like most outlets, forgets to link to the document from Team Trump. Politico has it here. It’s long and detailed, unlike the way Obama would simply provide a sticky note with a few bulletin points he wants done.
ABC News goes on to note
They included a complete overhaul of the green-card system that would limit family-based green cards to spouses and the minor children of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents as part of an effort to end what is known as “chain migration.”
The White House also said it wants to boost fees at border crossings, hire 10,000 more immigration enforcement officers, make it easier to deport gang members and unaccompanied children, and overhaul the asylum system. And it wants new measures to crack down on “sanctuary cities,” which don’t share information with federal immigration authorities, among other proposals.
“These priorities are essential to mitigate the legal and economic consequences of any grants or status to DACA recipients,” White House legislative affairs director Marc Short told reporters in a Sunday evening conference call. “We’re asking that these reforms be included in any legislation concerning the status of DACA recipients.”
If the illegal alien Dreamer supporters want something big for the Dreamers, they are going to have to give back big stuff.
But it remained unclear whether the president considers each of the more than a dozen priorities to be non-negotiable or whether the White House sees them more as a starting point for negotiation with members of Congress. Officials on the call notably declined to say whether the president would veto legislation that did not include each and every one of them.
Most likely, these are things that can be negotiated, and the more the Dreamer supporters want, the more they will have to give up to Trump and the illegal alien hardliners (meaning those who want to follow the law).
Crossed at Right Wing News.

And a 6 month time limit to decide for the libs in Congress…brilliant