This is shocking. We’ve been told that all DACA recipients are super good people who just want to go to college and have a good life. From a Customs And Border Control press release
On October 4, 2017, Border Patrol agents arrested a juvenile attempting to smuggle two illegal aliens. Agents at the Border Patrol Checkpoint on Interstate Highway 35 encountered a passenger vehicle at the primary inspection lane. The driver was questioned regarding his immigration status and was referred for further inspection after a Border Patrol canine alerted to the presence of concealed humans and/or narcotics. After further inspection, Border Patrol agents discovered two adult male subjects concealed in the trunk of the vehicle. An immigration inspection of the two subjects revealed that they were both from the country of Brazil. The driver, a juvenile, was identified as a National from the country of Guatemala and a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in 2016. All subjects were processed for removal proceedings.
The second event took place on October 7, 2017, when Border Patrol agents arrested a juvenile attempting to smuggle one illegal alien. Agents at the Border Patrol Checkpoint on Interstate Highway 35 encountered a passenger vehicle at the primary inspection lane. After further inspection, Border Patrol agents discovered one adult male subject concealed in the trunk of the vehicle. An immigration inspection of the subject revealed that he was from the country of Mexico. driver, a juvenile, was identified as a National from the country of Mexico and a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). All subjects were processed for removal proceedings.
As a result of their arrests, the juvenile drivers were processed for removal proceedings as a violation of the DACA conditions.
Instead of deporting them, we should send them to live with Barack Obama and the other members of his team who thought DACA was a great idea, along with Democrats who support this.
Meanwhile, yet another young girl was raped by an illegal alien, and five gang members who are illegal aliens in the sanctuary state of Maryland are wanted for murder. This is what you enable when you support illegal immigration.

DACA was a bad idea. But then, what do you expect from a Temp Agency President?