It warms my heart that so many are treating ‘climate change’ as political/SJW issue it is, rather than thinking it’s a scientific issue
(ABC 10) President Donald Trump’s nominee to be the White House senior adviser for environmental policy in 2016 described the belief in “global warming” as a “kind of paganism” for “secular elites.”
Trump last week nominated Kathleen Hartnett White, who previously led the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, to head the White House Council on Environmental Quality, a post that requires Senate confirmation. Hartnett White, currently a senior fellow at the conservative think tank Texas Public Policy Foundation, has long expressed skepticism about established climate science and once dismissed the idea that carbon dioxide is a pollutant, calling it “the gas of life on this planet.” (Snip)
Hartnett White appeared on “The Right Perspective,” an online conservative radio show, in September 2016 when she made the comments talking about a “dark side” to belief in global warming.
“There’s a real dark side of the kind of paganism — the secular elites’ religion now — being evidently global warming,” Hartnett White said.
Of course, these elites are much like the elites in many cults, in they demand Everyone Else they must comply, but they themselves do not.
Also, it’s interesting that this article initially came from CNN, who can find this, but nothing on the background of Obama.

White works for right-wing think tanks funded by the fossil fuel industry AND has degrees in RELIGION. Sounds perfect for a tRump technical position.
Jeff, fool, sounds like another lie. But if true what is wrong?
What is wrong with an Environmental Policy Advisor who thinks the lord god controls the climate? I dunno.
I dunno but little jeffvckery seems to think man controls the climate.
So who’s the dumbass?

Those that believe in gods and demons? Anyway, climate scientists follow evidence while deniers allow their “feelings” and their religions to dictate their actions.
So little jeffvckery believes man controls the climate.

Yep, you’re a dumbass alright and thanks for proving it.
Well I suspect that a pick by HRC or Obama would be a Muslim with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and works for a left wing think tank.
In fact let me remind you that Huma (HRC’s) chief aide was a Muslim with strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, in fact she worked for them directly at one time in the USA.
Additionally I’m surprised no one is even talking about this:
The Obama administration collected lists of Muslim candidates for jobs in the Obama administration, according to previously unseen emails sent to the chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign John Podesta and released by Wikileaks. Podesta was also a former chief of staff for President Bill Clinton.
Here are the compiled lists of Asian American and Muslim American
candidates for top Administration jobs, sub-cabinet jobs, and outside
boards/agencies/policy committees.
“In the candidates for top jobs, I excluded those with some Arab American background but who are not Muslim (e.g., George Mitchell). Many Lebanese Americans, for example, are Christian. In the last list (of outside boards/commissions), most who are listed appear to be Muslim American, except that a handful (where noted) may be Arab American but of uncertain religion (esp. Christian).â€
For the left its perfectly fine to hire a Mulim non Christian for a government job but somehow its evil and racist to hire a white, Christian for a government job.
The issue isn’t White’s religion, it’s her lack of knowledge of the subject and her ties to the profit-making side of the issue. Her choice was a no-brainer for tRump, and he’s clearly the man for the job.
“Works for a right-wing tank funded by the fossil fuel industry.†And how would that be any different than alarmist scientists funded by, until this year, a left wing government? With infinitely bigger pockets. Really didn’t think this one out too well, did you J? As far as religion is concerned, the quote from Tom Nelson is apropos: “Climate change is the reliogn of people who think they’re too smart for religion.â€
The obvious difference is that the scientists are knowledgeable in the field and not beholden to outside financial interests. Really didn’t think this one out too well, did you J? “The” Tom Nelson, LOL?
“Not beholden to outside interests.†You mean except for the governments that fund them for their paychecks? Very beholden. Sorry J, you haven’t thought this one out, obviously. “The Tom Nelson, lol.†Translated: I can’t refute what he said, or I would have done it.