Bugs are the worst part of going outside, you guys
Bugs Are the Worst Part of Going Outside and Climate Change Is Making It Worse
Bug spray will soon be as ubiquitous as sunscreen. Long sleeves in hot weather will lose their dorky reputation.For people who enjoy the outdoors, the buzz of a mosquito has always held a feeling of impending doom for itchy torment to come. But imagine if the sound also brought risks to your unborn child, or a trip to a hospital, as it does today in many parts of the world outside of North America.
It is clear that from a certain vantage point, the future will be buggy. Thanks to climate change, insect populations are on the move. Some are being lured to new habitats, while others are coaxed to emerge earlier in the year, and their numbers are growing. Research predicts a proliferation of species capable of eating through ecosystems and spreading disease. But beneath the swarms of pest species, the world is also at risk of losing vast populations of insects less able to adapt. And neither outcome bodes well for us.
This all means doom, as we see from the subhead about needing more bug spray, which they delve in to in the article, and wearing long sleeves. And more and more doom. But, interesting, they do not provide scientific proof that this is mostly/solely caused by Mankind.
One wonders how Humanity and the other life on this planet survived during previous warm periods.

Big whoop. It’s been shown that the distribution of flora and fauna (both spatially and temporally) is changing because of anthropogenic climate change (global warming).
What is the denier hypothesis to explain these changes?
“They’re changing…†Yes, the earth is getting greener. Thanks, CO2