…is an evil burger made of evil meat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on yet another hate hoax.

…is an evil burger made of evil meat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on yet another hate hoax.
Tom Jadlowski illegally took a 200 yd shot 40 minutes after the close of shooting with a pistol thinking he was shooting at a deer. Instead he killed Rosemary Bilquist who was out walking her dogs. In addition he may have hunting illegally on private property. Authorities only have his word that it was accidental.
What should he be charged with? 2nd degree murder or manslaughter? He’s not been charged and is free right now. Can you imagine if he was a Black guy or an immigrant firing wildly and killing someone?
Papa Doc is having his IRS set up extra security to protect his tax returns. LOL.