Nothing like giving unelected bureaucrats massive power that is unchecked by the duly elected lawmakers
(The Hill) White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney said Thursday that the authority wielded by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) chief “should frighten people” days after he assumed the role of acting director.
Mulvaney, who also serves as the director of Office of Management and Budget, said on Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” that the structure of the CFPB is “fundamentally flawed” and that his directive as its administrator would be to “limit” the agency’s effect on capitalism.
“The structure of the CFPB is just fundamentally flawed. Authority that I have now as the acting director really should frighten people,” Mulvaney said.
“You can sit down in a room with three or four people, and say, well, let’s go off and do this, and there is no accountability to Congress. I could set the budget pretty much without any input from Congress, in fact, without any input from Congress,” he added.
And the Democrats who designed this intentionally made it so. Remember, only two Republicans, Collins and Brown, voted for Dodd-Frank in the Senate. No Democrats voted against. In the House, 3 Republicans said yea, only 19 Democrats said no. So this was pretty much an utterly partisan piece of legislation. Of course, Democrats love the notion of another massive federal government agency which has virtually no controls placed upon it by anyone, especially those stupid citizens. Well, right up to it bones them personally.
It would be funny as hell if Trump and Mulvaney used to power of the CFPB to go full bore after Democrat party supporting companies, wouldn’t it? Teach them a lesson in “things can backfire badly”? From a hypothetical point of view, though.

Yet another government agency that shouldn’t exist wasting taxpayer dollars.
Since 2011 the CFPB has recorded 730,000 complaints and returned $12 BILLION to 29 million US consumers in either refunds or canceled debt. It’s a re-redistribution of monies the political donor class had taken from the working classes.
Of course the GOP and corporatist Dems oppose holding the big banks, credit card companies, mortgage companies and college loan scams (like tRumps) responsible for their actions. These companies are major contributors to both the GOP and Dems.
Will Dotard tRump and Little Mick Mulvaney “go after” the working classes as TEACH hopes? Most likely, yes.
The GOP/tRump “tax hikes for the middle class/blue states bill” winding through the Senate’s bowels is proof enough of that. So when Dotard raises the taxes by thousands of dollars on middle class blue staters will he support transferring those newfound dollars to the poor red states?
So cancelling debt that a person agreed to in a contract for services rendered is a good and laudable thing that our government should pay for through our tax dollars? You went to college, yes? Surely you had econ, macro & micro econ? The average citizen pays twice for this folly – wasted taxes on this dreck and higher costs from the corporations that get shook down. Moreover, there is no surer way to guarantee future bad decisions than to shield someone from the effects of their bad decisions.
Most people would say that cancelling a debt it returning money to anyone as no money exchanged hands.
The actual total of monies “returned” is less roughly $4 billion.
However, of that 4 billion, not a dime returned was not available through other means and legal actions.
Even then, the claim that all monies went back to consumers is false. As this article explains:
Leftists always like to promote the growth of regulations and government agencies under the guise of “protecting the little people.” Reality is a different than their view as more agencies and more regulations means more money out of the pockets of consumers and into government slush funds.
*cancelling a debt is not returning money to anyone.
(Sorry for that.)
I’m betting Jeff would be pretty upset if some unelected, unaccountable CDPB bureaucrat decided to cancel the legitimate debts owed to Jeff from customers.