This is an amusing theme coming out of the Cult of Climastrology, especially here in America, whereby Warmists mayors, Governors, business owners, etc, are bucking President Trump by doing something he’s never ever said he wanted to stop them for doing, nor even seems to care in terms of state and local government as well as private businesses.
Bucking Trump, Mayor Fischer doubles down on pledge for Louisville to fight global warming
Mayor Greg Fischer has deepened his commitment to keep Louisville in the fight against global warming by joining more than 50 other mayors who have agreed to specific reductions in heat-trapping pollution for their cities.
This new “Chicago Charter” commits each city to reducing its greenhouse gases 26 percent to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025.
Louisville will now get a customized plan on how it intends to meet that goal, which was part of the United States’ commitment to some 190 nations under the 2016 Paris Agreement. President Donald Trump has rejected that agreement as damaging to the economy and ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to ditch a plan to reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases from power plants.
Interestingly, one of the things they did was switch from a coal power plant to a natural gas plant. If memory serves, Warmists have been telling us that natural gas is also evil.

But wait-I thought a carbon tax was needed to force people to switch from coal to gas?
Look at all these lefties getting a little independence from daddy government. Next thing you know they’re going to be crowing about rugged individualism. Okay, okay, I know, too far. Waaaay too far.