The NYT Team Climate mascot is in place above our new home on the third floor of the newsroom…
— John Schwartz (@jswatz) December 15, 2017
What happened to your hammer and sickle?
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) December 15, 2017
Meanwhile, the San Francisco Chronicle is TDS
Editorial: A global push on climate change thrives without Trump
Though the Trump White House ignores climate change, the rest of the world isn’t neglecting the doomsday issue. A top-level gathering of global leaders in Paris is pushing ahead with plans to cool temperatures and shift economies at a hurry-up pace. (big snip)
The determined spirit can’t disguise the political challenges that remain. The Paris accords reached in 2015 are built on regular progress in ratcheting down emissions in five-year increments. That ambitious direction was to be underwritten by billions in subsidies from wealthy, polluting nations, a circle that no longer includes the U.S.
And full stop: we have global elitists attempting to control economies for their beliefs and redistribute money, which will end up harming the U.S. middle and lower classes. It’s good that Trump isn’t involving the U.S. in this scam.

Germany, France, Canada and the EU are well aware of who will now be ‘underwriting this ambitious direction’ that China, India, Russia will be taking as they install their new coal plants because……settled science.