This is all your fault for daring to take a fossil fueled to trip to see your relatives, rather than walking or riding a bike hundreds or thousands of miles. Oh, and it’s brought to you by the same people who always say “weather is not climate”, right before they say every weather event is caused by/linked to carbon pollution
US ‘polar vortex’ to bring weather ‘extremes off the scale’ in time for Christmas
WEATHER weirding is getting real.
And the United States is about to experience an extreme Christmas, according to forward forecasts.
Something very odd is happening to the jetstreams of air that circle the globe.
And it’s about to generate another of the ‘polar vortex’ effects that has slammed the United States with heavy snow falls much further south than usual in recent years. (snip)
“On the ‘drunk jet stream’ or ‘jet weirding’ scale of climate disruption, the upcoming next 7-10 days will see extremes off the scale,†Maue says.
And the same people who complain about carbon pollution from fossil fuels will themselves be using lots of fossil fuels over the holiday season.

The theory is that global warming is causing a shift in the jetstreams, resulting in a shift in weather patterns. Specifically it is hypothesized that in the warming arctic, the released ocean heat at the time sea ice is reforming allows southward bulges in the so-called “polar vortex” with arctic air pouring into the US. In the pre-global warming days this phenomenon would have been less frequent. This hypothesis is an active area of research and is certainly disputed within the climate science community.
It is premature for lay articles to describe this potential phenomenon as fact.
Shorter Jeff :Doooooooooom!!!!!!
Did you read what I wrote? Didn’t think so. You just had a knee-jerk reaction. Typical.
However, that wouldn’t prove anthorpogenic causation.
40 yrs ago they were “sure†the polar vortex was caused by global
No, there was no consensus for global cooling during the 1970s. That’s a conservative myth.
Peterson, Connelley and Fleck (2008) Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
From the review:
Even in a period of cooling 6 times more papers were predicting global warming than were predicting cooling, Time and Newsweek breathless articles not withstanding.