…is carbon pollution created snow spreading to warm Asian nations, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on the 90 Miles Mystery Box.

…is carbon pollution created snow spreading to warm Asian nations, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on the 90 Miles Mystery Box.
Thanks President Trump.
Thanks Barry.
The nitwits at FOX Noise are calling the tRump’s DOJ Mueller investigation of tRump’s misdeeds, a “coup”.
A coup would be the military storming the White House and carrying out tRump’s huge head on a pike, and giving Pence to option of resigning or getting shot. The military would further invade FOX and shut them down.
That would be a “coup”. The legal investigation of the possible obstruction of justice by a President is not a “coup”.
Then stop watching Fox, little dumbass!

A coup d’état (/ËŒkuË deɪˈtÉ‘Ë/ ; French: [ku.de.ta]), also known simply as a coup (/kuË/), a putsch (/pÊŠtʃ/), golpe de estado, or an overthrow, is the illegal and overt seizure of a state by the military or other elites within the state apparatus.[1]
It’s not your fault, many people of limited or poor education have problems with uncommon words.
from Merriam Webster… but we’re used to the crooked right cherry-picking. It’s not your fault many people of limited or poor education have problems with uncommon words.
The legal investigation of a potentially criminal administration is not a coup d’etat but is self defense.
Re-read that buddy, you’re ignoring some modifiers. And this is why one might hear the phrase “military coup” – a specific type of coup.
Are you really arguing that the legal investigation of a president by his own DOJ is a coup d’etat? Do you agree with FOX?
IF you believe this is actually the overthrow (a coup) of an elected president, what are you willing to do as a patriot to prevent it?
U.S. tells U.N. to suck it.
More proof of the evil of the traitorous Obama and his corrupt administration.
I say that when this is all finished that Barak Obama be investigated. Give the new proesecutor wide sweeping powers. Let them look into everything Obama and his band of merry men and women did to the USA.
Its only fair. If your gonna do it to one president then do it to all presidents.
If Trump is hitler then Obama was Lenin. control the press and you control the masses. People like Mr. Jeffery here dont understand that the real problem with America is when the MSM went into the tank for the left because all their college professors are Communists.
or actually he probably does know that.
And also investigate George W. Bush and his band of miscreants who lied to the American people about the grounds for invading Iraq. It is also likely they committed war crimes in their treatment of prisoners.
Clinton had his issues. Go get him. George H.W. Bush pardoned the mass of Reagan criminals AND was harassing women. Re-open Iran-Contra to smear St. Reagan’s memory too.
In fact, investigate all the ex presidents dead or alive for their potential crimes against America. And why stop at presidents? Why not all elected officials?
Wow. Just wow. To the new right, the media seems in the tank for the left because the GOP has lurched so far right that it makes moderates look like leftists by comparison. The truth has a well-known liberal bias.
How would you solve the “problem” that so many educated folks are liberals? Cut education funding? 70% of under 35 voters favor liberal policies and Democrats. You’ll need to work overtime on your suppression of liberal voters and gerrymandering districts to protect Con Men. And your side has the police and the military to back up your control of the masses.
The new right wants to take America back to the 1800s – every person for themselves, with a twist – worship of the wealthy.
Been there, done that already, Jeff. Better yet, let’s investigate all the Democrats, like Hillary, who voted for the invasion. And the UN. Funny, you guys say Bush was a dummy, yet, he was supposedly able to dupe all the super smart Dems.
Only in your world. But comeon Jeffery your losing steam here. Lets investigate them all. I say we start with HRC and then Obama and then Valerie Plumber the roto rooter pro for HRC. Then lets look at what Bill Clinton has been doing lately with all those speeches in RUSSIA.
And lets investigate her business dealings like Trumps have been investigated for decades. her institution of corruption couldnt stand 5 minutes of a legit investigation.
Lets get them all. Thats why we elected Trump…….to drain the swamp and that terrifies you doesnt it because as Ive said before your a turd muncher or your for the WHOLE truth on both sides. Which are you?
Trump is not draining the swamp he’s making it deeper. He just supported the “swamp’s” tax plan that rewards millionaires and corporations. He promised “simpler” and to “help the middle class”. The tax plan he will sign is not “simpler” and it helps millionaires and corporations.
Lots of House GOPers will lose their jobs in the next election because of tRump’s actions, so I guess maybe he is draining the swamp.
Why not. this is the road you want to travel. Investigate Nancy pelosi and harry reid and chuck shurmur and McConnell and Ryan and the congressional black caucus and the freedom caucus and the white house cook and the IT staff at the capitol.
Investigate the butler and maids in the White house and go after GWB’s dog and his daddy. Lets not forget his daddy. And Clinton again. We got no blood the first time. Then how about they investigate themselves and the IRS, CIA, FBI, Department of Education.
Because you know what. America is now a banana republic. Both sides are all in on the sewer.
Yesterday I just heard that 240 members of congress paid out from the SHUSH FUND…that secret fund that pays off people who have really bad dirt on a congressmen or senator.
Investigate them all. Congress makes the mafia look like choirboys. Im all in on investigating the bushes, clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, FDR. I think any farther back and were wasting time. There all dead now.
Go for it Jeffery. We will put you in charge and you can exxonerate every democrat on my list and execute every republican because your hateful bias is unbridled. But at least we would be rid of half of the cesspool.
Jeff, reading comprehension is not your strong suit. I pointed out that you did not know the objective meaning of a coup d’etat.
And you were wrong. So tell me, do you think the investigation of the trump campaign’s potential interaction with the Russians is an attempted coup d’etat?
Also on the Merriam Webster page, a simplified version:
“Definition of coup d’état for English Language Learners
: a sudden attempt by a small group of people to take over the government usually through violence”
Learn to read Jeffey, then you might learn to reason.
Do you think the Mueller is engineering a coup d’etat?
Why don’t you tell me? You were complaining about the case that they made on TV. I did not see it and thus cannot comment on it. You might consider “cutting the cord”, there is nothing on TV worth watching.