And people wonder why I refer to it as Hotcoldwetdry? No matter what happens, the Cult of Climastrology will claim some sort of link to global warming/climate change
Climate change causes less snow unless we say it causes more snow
— Climate Dispatch (@ccdeditor) December 19, 2017
Scientists blame global warming for DOUBLING the amount of snow atop an Alaskan mountain range
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) December 19, 2017
From the Washington Times
Climate change has been blamed for causing higher temperatures, drought, wildfires and hurricanes — and now it’s being credited with generating record snow.
A study released Tuesday in the journal Scientific Reports found that snowfall on the highest peak in the Alaska Range has more than doubled since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-19th century, which researchers attribute to climate change.
How? The study linked the heavy snow accumulation to “warmer waters thousands of miles away in the tropical Pacific and Indian oceans,†driven by rising greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Dartmouth College press release.
“We were shocked when we first saw how much snowfall has increased,†said Erich Osterberg, an assistant professor of earth sciences who led the investigation with researchers from Dartmouth, the University of Maine and the University of New Hampshire.
Of course! It’s so simple. You, dear reader, got up with your alarm clock on your evil electricity sucking smartphone, took more than a 2 minute shower and used more than 2 pieces of toilet paper, made coffee in your evil coffee maker, may have used an evil hair dryer, drove to work in your evil fossil fueled vehicle to your office which uses evil air conditioning and evil natural gas for heat, got ice from the evil ice maker in the breakroom, had an evil fast food meal for lunch, then drove home in your evil fossil fueled vehicle. It’s all your fault for all this heat snow.
Quipped Climate Depot’s Marc Morano, “Why not? Less snow used to ‘prove’ global warming. Snow used to be ‘a thing of the past’ according to climate activists. Now more snow ‘proves’ global warming. No matter the weather, they can claim it is consistent with global warming theory.â€
“Man-made global warming has become unfalsifiable,†said Mr. Morano, author of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,†slated for release Feb. 26 by Regnery.
That’s because it is a cult, not science.

But, but, but, this is a disaster! If there’s more snow in Alaska, maybe there’s more snow at the North Pole as well; what if Santa gets snowed in and can’t deliver presents?
Never fear…
Or this…
Global warming is.. er, global. So it impacts weather patterns globally. The “miniscule” increase in mean global surface temperature is actually quite a significant change compared to the rest of the Holocene, that epoch when the sum total of human civilization developed.
Mark Morono is no climate science expert, but rather an anti-regulation, right-wing hired gun who now shills for the science denier cult.
Did you know he was one of the original Swift Boat liars?
You quote him because he says and types the same ignorant scheisse you do.
Unlike most high-profile science deniers, and to Morono’s credit, there is no evidence he was a consultant or lobbyist for either the tobacco industry or big oil. He has previously worked for Rush Limbaugh, the Media Research Council, Cybercast and Senator James (Snowflake Jim) Inhofe.
Whoa! The more you speak of Mark Morono the more I like him.